A woman meditating on a beach
Advaita,  Cleaning Methods,  Ho'oponopono,  Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

In Pursuit of Perfect Harmony: Decoding Ho’oponopono for Newcomers

Embarking on a new journey always comes with a dose of uncertainty. Picture yourself stepping into a colourful and captivating forest, brimming with unfamiliar sounds and sights. This is how many newcomers to the practice of Ho’oponopono feel – awed, but a little lost. The question on their minds: “Am I practicing Ho’oponopono correctly?”

Don’t worry; this concern is as common as a daisy in a field. Let’s hold hands and explore the lush, vibrant forest of Ho’oponopono together.

The first thing you must understand is that there is no compulsory entrance to the Ho’oponopono forest. Some adventurers find similar tranquillity in the meadows of The Sedona Method, while others discover their unity with the cosmos through the peaks of Advaita Vedanta. All paths are valid, all perspectives enriching, but this variety can sometimes cause confusion.

Another layer of complexity enters the picture with the modern-day intertwining of Ho’oponopono and ‘The Law of Attraction‘. Picture this as a river merging with our forest path, which wasn’t a part of the original landscape. The elders who nurtured traditional Ho’oponopono didn’t intend for this fusion. Their practice was more akin to a tool for resolving conflicts and mending wounds within the community.

So, let’s return to the heart of the forest – Ho’oponopono, or ‘to correct an error‘. This concept, as flexible as a willow’s branch, applies to numerous realities, even though we humans mainly experience our world in 3D.

The philosophy of Ho’oponopono encourages us to perceive the universe as an infinite entity. It nudges us towards understanding who we truly are and our role in this grand cosmos.

An Hawaiian symbol for a person as described by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona
An Hawaiian symbol for a person as described by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

Now, you may ask, how do we embody this philosophy? Let’s imagine that you’re a triangle within a square. This is an ancient Hawaiian symbol, as depicted by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona. The triangle signifies your individual vibrational wavelengths, the processes that run unseen within you, much like the invisible workings of the forest ecosystem. The square symbolizes the timeless, omnipresent Divinity, the life-force that manifests all things and processes.

When you accept this conception of self, you enter a transformative journey, not unlike a caterpillar’s metamorphosis into a butterfly.
Practicing Ho’oponopono, much like nurturing a forest, doesn’t require any strict rules or conditions:

• There’s no need for a specific posture or place. The forest of Ho’oponopono is accessible from any corner of the world, at any time of day.
• Retreats might help cultivate a deeper connection, but they’re not a necessity, much like a map isn’t mandatory for a wanderer with a keen sense of direction.
• The seasoned guardians of the Ho’oponopono forest tend to practice all the time. They achieve this by:
Practicing consciously whenever they feel inspired.
Developing a healthy relationship with their subconscious, their ‘inner-child’, who continues the practice even when they’re distracted.

The aim of Ho’oponopono is not to acquire objects or people, unlike what The Law of Attraction might suggest. Instead, it’s about clearing away unwanted subconscious clutter to make space for new, healthier thoughts and actions.

At times, you might encounter a thorny patch or a fallen tree blocking your path, in the form of a complex issue. Here, a more experienced practitioner can help you navigate around these obstacles. They act as guides, mirroring the higher version of yourself that already resides within you.

So, if you find yourself tangled in a thicket of doubts about whether you’re “doing it right,” remember this: the Ho’oponopono forest is forgiving and patient. Simply use the soft broom of ‘Love’ to sweep away negative emotions, just as a gentle wind might clear fallen leaves from your path. This brings your conscious awareness to a level of tranquillity akin to the calm that The Sedona Method and The Release Technique promise.

  1. Use ‘The Four Phrases’ to clear specific concerns, like a gentle rain washing away the day’s dust. Remember, these phrases are for cleansing your path, not modifying others’ – an attempt to do so would only muddy the waters.
  2. Forge a friendship with your subconscious inner-child. They will be your constant companion, cleaning for you round the clock. You can think of your inner-child as a friendly squirrel who’s always busy tidying up its forest home.
  3. Next, imagine having a bag full of magical ‘Cleaning Tools’. They’re your loyal allies, assisting you on your journey.
  4. And as you traverse the forest of Ho’oponopono, clean every thought or feeling that crosses your path, even if they appear as flashes of inspiration. Remember, your subconscious, much like a crafty fox, can mimic the voice of Divinity.

By maintaining this harmony with your surroundings, you’ll find that your decisions are guided by wisdom, leading to a more gratifying, healthier, and happier life.

In essence, your journey through the forest of life, filled with diverse experiences and profound revelations, is your purpose. And as you embrace the Ho’oponopono practice, remember this: your birthright is to live a life of boundless freedom, as unbounded as the sky above our forest.

Two women jumping for joy
Your birth-right is to live a life of total freedom.

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