Dew Drops on a Spider's Web
Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len,  Ho'oponopono

An Odyssey into Ho’oponopono: More About The Ancient Dew Drop Symbol

Welcome, to a journey filled with ancient wisdom and transformative practice. Let’s dive into the mystical realm of Ho’oponopono—a Hawaiian art of mental cleansing that holds the promise of personal freedom and profound peace. Though often boiled down to a mantra of “I’m sorry, thank you, please forgive me, I love you,” this spiritual practice extends far beyond these words, guiding us towards a world view that erases negativity and enhances interconnectedness.

Ho’oponopono: The Lore and the Practice

Emerging from the heart of Hawaiian ancestral wisdom, Ho’oponopono offers a deep-seated spiritual practice aimed at problem-solving through reconciliation and forgiveness. It insists on the theory that we are responsible for our realities—not just a part of them, but entirely and wholesomely. But instead of burdening us with this responsibility, Ho’oponopono offers us a powerful tool to cleanse the ‘karmic data’ that shapes our realities.

Understanding the Enigmatic Dew Drop Symbol

A central symbol in Ho’oponopono is the Dew Drop, a mystical image holding layers of meaning beneath its seemingly simple surface. Attributed to Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, the Dew Drop is more ancient, tied to the herbal pharmacopoeia of the kahuna lapaau—the shamanic doctors of old Hawaii.

This potent symbol hints at the interconnectedness of life. Like dew drops on a spider web, we are unique individuals linked by unseen threads. When one of us moves, the entire web vibrates. Yet, our human perception often limits us to see only the dew drop, not the web. We believe ourselves separate, disconnected, which brings forth the fear of loss or tragedy.

The real tragedy, however, lies in our attachments—to people, possessions, or even concepts of wealth and status. We cling to rituals in a desperate attempt to shield ourselves from the inevitability of life’s changes. But, Ho’oponopono proposes a different path, a way to cleanse these attachments, to free ourselves from the burden of karmic data.

The Mantra and Beyond: Ho’oponopono in Practice

The heart of Ho’oponopono, despite popular belief, is not merely about reciting a mantra. This often-misunderstood practice involves a profound conversation with Divinity, where the cleaning tools – including the mantra, Dew Drop, or even a pencil – are conduits to a higher power. It’s not the tool but the intention to cleanse, to let go of our control and surrender to Divinity, that truly matters.

Dr. Hew Len, for instance, said Dew Drop as the means of charging a modern pencil eraser as a cleaning tool. He would take an unsharpened pencil, symbolically using the eraser to clean a list of names, addresses, logos, or anything that he felt needed addressing. In this process, he wasn’t seeking to directly alter the world ‘out there’, but rather, cleanse the shared data within himself, thus severing karmic connections and inviting change.

Ho’oponopono and the Law of Attraction: A Divergent Dialogue

While both Ho’oponopono and the Law of Attraction share the belief in our power to shape our realities, they diverge in their core objectives. While the Law of Attraction focuses on manifesting desired outcomes upon an external world, Ho’oponopono is about cleansing oneself of karmic data and thus changing the nature of the world projected. It’s not about pulling in the positive but about releasing the negative. The goal here is peace, freedom, and a deeper connection with Divinity.

Embracing the Ho’oponopono Paradigm

So here we stand at the precipice of a paradigm shift, ready to dive into the transformative journey that Ho’oponopono offers. We’ve learned that it’s not merely about reciting a mantra or performing rituals—it’s about the journey within, the acknowledgment of our interconnectedness, the surrender to a greater power, and the commitment to clean our mental landscape of negative karmic data.

Stepping into the World of Profound Connection

So, whether you’re a novice spiritual seeker or an experienced practitioner, Ho’oponopono opens the doors to a unique spiritual voyage. One that redefines not just your reality, but the very way you perceive yourself and the world around you.

As you learn, grow, and cleanse, remember that the power of Ho’oponopono lies not in a mantra, but in the profound realization of our interconnectedness and the endless possibilities that unfold when we free ourselves from the shackles of karmic data.

It’s an invitation to step into a world of profound connection, healing, and ultimately, a deeply-rooted peace. Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey?

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