A young woman sunbathing on the stern of a yacht
Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len,  Ho'oponopono,  Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

The Law of Attraction and Ho’oponopono’s Paths to Divinity

In the realm of the metaphysical, there’s a fascinating notion known as the Law of Attraction. This idea has been around for a long time, gaining significant traction in recent years due to the influence of “The Secret.” Many find themselves drawn to this concept, believing that the power of their thoughts and emotions can shape their reality. While intriguing, it’s crucial to clarify that the Law of Attraction isn’t simply a wish-granting genie—it requires aligning your goals, intentions, and values with action.

Yet, in the same sphere, there exists another profound discipline: Ho’oponopono, a practice taught by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len. Its approach offers a deeper understanding of personal values, guiding you to embrace your genuine purpose through introspection and a heartfelt conversation with your inner child.

The Law of Attraction highlights the power of values. Aligning your actions with your intrinsic and extrinsic values—personal values and societal values, respectively—can be a magical journey. Like a compass, these values guide you towards what genuinely matters to you.

However, Ho’oponopono adds a unique perspective. It sees values as a mental construct shaped by experiences and past behaviours. By practicing Ho’oponopono, one allows the inspiration of Divinity to guide their actions, relieving the burdens of past missteps.

Pursuing your true values brings a sense of fulfilment, like fitting the perfect puzzle piece. On the contrary, chasing after goals that conflict with your values feels unfulfilling, akin to a square peg in a round hole.

In Ho’oponopono, however, there’s no quest for material things. Trusting in Divinity ensures the tools needed for your journey will find their way to you.

Our minds are hardwired to seek pleasure and avoid pain. Goals in line with your values make the pursuit an exciting adventure. Understanding the play between pleasure and pain can lead you to more fulfilling life choices.

Manifestation and quantum physics also tie into the Law of Attraction. When we focus on our desires, we set off a chain of events—like particle collision in quantum physics—that can bring our aspirations to fruition.

Yet, Ho’oponopono views this differently. It encourages discarding metaphorical burdens and replacing them with pure, burden-free light.

While positive emotions can guide manifestation, negative emotions also play a crucial role. The journey to enlightenment often involves delving into both positive and negative emotions. By comprehending and transforming our negative feelings, we can attain a balanced state of enlightenment.

Ho’oponopono proposes that consistently clearing our emotional baggage will eventually lessen their influence, allowing us to experience life from a more neutral standpoint.

Synchronizing our conscious and subconscious minds is key in harnessing the power of Ho’oponopono. It involves sorting through distractions and societal messages, staying true to our highest values, and focusing on actions inspired by Divinity to achieve our full potential.

In the Law of Attraction, visualization is a potent tool. By mentally sketching our desired outcomes, we train our minds towards those goals, creating a mental blueprint for success.

Yet, in Ho’oponopono, we learn that not all successes are beneficial. The emphasis lies on needing experiences for our journey rather than objects or outcomes.

Finally, the Law of Attraction isn’t only about personal goals. It encourages the pursuit of knowledge and exploration of the unknown.

However, Ho’oponopono sees expanded knowledge as merely a generally accepted story—it may not necessarily be accurate.

In essence, love, self-comparison, and authenticity are at the core of both the Law of Attraction and Ho’oponopono. Love harmonizes our varied facets, while comparing ourselves to our own values cultivates authenticity.

It’s through aligning with our highest values and embracing the power of Ho’oponopono that we open doors to profound self-realization and empowerment.

The Law of Attraction does indeed possess vast potential for life transformation. However, by aligning our aspirations with our Divinity, nurturing authenticity, and utilizing our thoughts and emotions for self-purification, we can manifest Divinity’s desires, thus creating a reality filled with fulfilment. It’s a journey of self-discovery and empowerment that brings us closer to our true potential.

So, young-at-heart readers, remember to stay inspired, be authentic to your true self, and let Ho’oponopono navigate your journey to bliss. The power of Divinity and the potential within you awaits your exploration.

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