Stephen Bray
Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len,  Ho'oponopono,  Mabel Katz,  Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

Embracing Ho’oponopono: A Journey to Inner Transformation

Many years ago, long before my encounter with the transformative practice of ho’oponopono, I found myself deeply immersed in the world of psychotherapy, exploring the labyrinthine corridors of the subconscious mind. I was particularly fascinated by the way dreams serve as a canvas for our psychic energy, painting narratives and emotions with strokes uniquely ours. My journey through the realms of first and second order change, as described by Paul Watzlawick, John H. Weakland, and Richard Fisch, brought an epiphany: the realization that our external challenges often mirror our internal struggles.

This realization was not merely academic. In my practice, I encountered clients whose problems eerily mirrored my own, wrapped in different contexts. This phenomenon, a ‘synchronicity’ as Carl Jung would call it, led me to a novel approach: treating these external experiences as dreamlike projections of our inner psyche. This method brought profound insights and tangible improvements in both physical and psychological well-being.

As I dove deeper into this approach at The University of London’s Institute of Psychiatry, I was part of a diverse clinical team where conflicting views often coalesced into innovative solutions. This collaborative approach reminded me of Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona’s workshops on ho’oponopono, where she gathered extensive information before performing her cleansing ceremonies. This resonated deeply with my belief in the importance of understanding the holistic picture of a problem before attempting to resolve it.

Morrnah’s approach to ho’oponopono mirrored my own discoveries: our perceived reality is as much a creation of our psychic energy as our dreams. This led me to appreciate the depth and efficacy of Morrnah’s methods, and later, those of Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len. While the popular four phrases of ho’oponopono (“I love you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you”) serve as useful tools, they are but the tip of the iceberg in the rich methodology of ho’oponopono.

Ho’oponopono, as I have come to understand and practice it, is a journey of inner transformation. It begins with a recognition that the universe we perceive is merely a projection, clouded by our own karmic-data. Our life experiences, much like our dreams, are crafted from our inner energies and subconscious narratives. By acknowledging and cleansing these internal sources of conflict and disharmony, we not only heal ourselves but also project this healing into the world around us.

The essence of ho’oponopono is about more than just uttering mantras or seeking forgiveness from our inner child. It involves a deep and profound engagement with our subconscious, a conversation that goes beyond words into the realm of the soul. It’s a practice of acknowledging and loving our inner child, of reconciling with our past, and of aligning our conscious mind with the divine wisdom that permeates our existence.

In my personal journey with ho’oponopono, I have discovered that the practice is not a quick fix or a magical solution. It’s a path of disciplined commitment to self-awareness and self-purification. As Morrnah and Dr. Hew Len have taught, it’s about returning to a state of ‘Zero’, where we are free from the tainted perceptions and biases that cloud our view of the divine perfection that is our true nature.

Ho’oponopono, therefore, is not just a spiritual practice but a way of life. It’s a commitment to constantly cleanse our perceptions, to take 100% responsibility for the experiences we encounter, and to align ourselves with the Divinity that is the true essence of our being. As we cleanse our karmic data, we open ourselves to a world where experiences evolve not to puzzle us, but to enlighten us, leading us ever closer to our true, divine nature.

As I continued to delve deeper into the teachings of ho’oponopono, I began to understand the profound wisdom embedded in its practices. It was more than just a spiritual technique; it was an invitation to experience life from a perspective of heightened awareness and profound connection.

The Four Parts of Self in Ho’oponopono

Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, a man of profound insight and understanding, illuminated the path of ho’oponopono by explaining its core components: the superconscious, conscious mind, subconscious, and the Divinity in the form of psychic energy which empowers all of them. Each of these plays a crucial role in our journey towards enlightenment and healing. The subconscious, often burdened with negative energies and memories, acts as a repository that influences our life experiences, sometimes manifesting as physical symptoms. The conscious mind, on the other hand, holds the power to release these burdens by choosing to engage or let go.

Healing Through Love and Forgiveness

The simplicity of saying “I love you” as a means to address and heal these deep-seated memories is both elegant and powerful. This act of love is not a direct conversation with Divinity but a message sent through the subconscious. The transformation of these memories into pure energy, reabsorbed by Divinity, epitomizes the essence of ho’oponopono. It’s about reaching a state of inspiration, where one is in seamless flow with the divine, unencumbered by the past.

Aloha: The Breath of Life and Love

The recent exploration of the word “aloha” in the context of ho’oponopono has been a revelation. Each letter stands for a significant aspect of life and practice. Ao, the light; ala, awareness; lokahi, unity; oiai’o, truthfulness; ha’aha’a, humility; aho nui, patience; and aloha, absolute true love. These principles are not just words but a way of life, guiding us to live in harmony with ourselves and the universe.

The concept of aloha, particularly, resonates with the core teachings of ho’oponopono. It’s about embracing life with compassion, kindness, and absolute love — love that does not judge, compare, or grade. 

Remember, the journey to purity begins within. As we cleanse and purify our inner world, the outer world reflects this clarity and peace. Ho’oponopono is a call to embark on this transformative journey, to embrace the light within, and to witness the unfolding of a universe that is a perfect reflection of our cleansed and harmonious inner state.

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