An elderly man reading a newspaper

Ho’oponopono and the News

Nearly 40 years ago, I stopped all news subscriptions (offline or online). It was because my psychotherapy clients who awoke to the news were all depressed. They could do nothing to influence horrific events.

As long as there are TVs outside my front door, I’m still relatively well informed.

There are so many of them.

Almost every restaurant, bar, bank, and other establishment has them.

Even without the sound, it is impossible to ignore sensational headlines.

Consider what a thought does, and it gets even scarier!

When you watch a news program and see a war scene, or someone getting beaten up, what do you do?

You don’t think about them.

Your thoughts turn to how awful it would be if that happened to you or your child.

You just had an emotional thought about yourself that was against you.

It’s not your story at all. You watched it on TV or online.

You’re now storing updated information (data) about you, which is sent out into the universe.

Even though you didn’t create it, it’s coming back to you. This is a dangerous situation.

It’s not hopeless, though.

Firstly, you can learn to avoid sensational news stories.

Secondly, should any thoughts get through you may clean on them by using the ho’oponopono prayer, or even Mabel Katz’s suggestion to repeat the word ‘love’.

Take these two steps and you’ll become a happier, healthier, more impeccable human being.

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