A bolt of lightening touching the earth
Advaita,  Ho'oponopono

Ho’oponopono: Beyond The Mantra to Universal Energy

In the shimmering tapestry of spiritual practices, there lies a gem from the Hawaiian islands called ho’oponopono. While many eager newcomers might recognize it as a simple mantra of reconciliation and forgiveness, its depth resonates much deeper. For the uninitiated and seasoned practitioner alike, let’s embark on a journey that dives beneath the surface of ho’oponopono, demystifying its roots and revealing its profound implications.

Universal Energy and Manifestations:

Imagine a vast universe, not just filled with stars and galaxies, but teeming with energy. Energy, in its essence, can manifest as light, as the enigmatic black matter, or the equally mysterious black energy. Interestingly, ancient sages and seers described these energies in ways that resonate eerily with our modern scientific understanding. They spoke of the interconnectedness of everything, painting a picture that contemporary physicists are only now beginning to grasp.

The Dance of Humors and Energy:

Much like the universe, we humans are also vibrant mosaics of energy. Ho’oponopono categorizes this energy in terms of humors: the subconscious inner-child (akin to the air/nervous system), the superconscious, more masculine aspect (paralleling bile/enzymes), and the conscious, predominantly feminine component (mirroring phlegm and earth-water elements). The interplay of these energies influences our mental and physical well-being.

Divinity as Intensified Energy:

To many, the Divine or God is not a figure in the clouds, but an intensified form of the universal energy, omnipresent like the air we breathe. This energy challenges the notion of duality, raising questions about the coexistence of good and evil and inviting introspection about the omnipresent nature of divinity.

Duality, Non-Dualism, and the Cosmic Ballet:

In the grand theatre of existence, opposites often complement, setting the stage for the dance of duality and non-dualism. While our world seems steeped in duality, where shadows merge into light and demons find redemption, ho’oponopono teaches that at its core, existence is non-dual.

Ho’oponopono Philosophy and Its Healing Embrace:

A holistic view is at the heart of ho’oponopono. Healing isn’t merely physical; it’s an intricate balance of mind, body, and spirit. Emphasizing this, ho’oponopono remedies often turn to the Earth, harnessing the healing powers of roots, leaves, and fruits. Yet, it’s essential to note that while the practice in its homeland of Hawaii retains a spiritual essence, its Western adaptations tend to be more “biomedicalized.”

Concentrated Consciousness and the Breath of Divinity:

Much like the all-pervading wind, consciousness is everywhere. Divinity, in its intensified form, is a heightened state of this consciousness. Through practices like ho’oponopono and meditation, individuals can attune to this omnipresent vibrational energy, feeling its caress and guidance.

Love, Spirituality, and the Threads of Connection:

In the realm of emotions, love stands as a monumental pillar, intertwining deeply with our spiritual essence. When in love, our minds elevate, feeling light and connected. This very emotion combats the heavy chains of loneliness and negativity, fostering a profound sense of unity.

The Scientific Pursuit and the Grace of Humility:

Even in the most stringent scientific inquiries about vibrations and existence, there’s a tacit acknowledgment of human knowledge’s limits. The truest of scientists, much like the genuine spiritual seekers, embrace the humility of not knowing, ever eager to learn and grow.

In essence, ho’oponopono isn’t merely a mantra or a ritual. It’s a philosophy, a worldview that encompasses vast topics, from the nature of universal energy to God’s essence, from the intricacies of consciousness to the very nature of love and connection. To embrace ho’oponopono is to acknowledge the dance of energies in both our physical and spiritual realms, leading to a richer, more harmonious life.

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