Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len,  Ho'oponopono,  Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

Say Hello to Your Skin: The Human Body’s Brave Sentinel

Take a moment and place your hand on your arm. Feel the warmth, the texture – it’s your skin, the courageous guardian of your body, shielding you from the world. It’s more than just a barrier; it’s a telltale sign of your health and happiness. Sometimes, however, our gallant guard needs some tender, loving care.

But what if the best care wasn’t a cream or a lotion, but an ancient Hawaiian practice called Ho’oponopono? Before we delve into this intriguing idea, let’s paint a clearer picture of our skin.

Our skin, you see, is a vibrant map, one that has been weaving tales since the days we were just a bunch of tiny cells, journeying in our mother’s womb. As we grew, our skin became our personal boundary between our inside world, full of thoughts and feelings, and the outside world, bustling with countless experiences.

Now, the concept of inside and outside may seem very distinct, like two separate countries with different languages. But in the wisdom of Ho’oponopono and traditions like Advaita Vedanta, these borders blur. We realize that our inside feelings can influence our outside experiences, and vice versa.

Let’s explore an array of skin conditions, each a unique story of our body. Some may be tales handed down from our ancestors, while others might be our body’s way of expressing its unique narrative. Traditional medicines often offer creams and ointments like magic potions, attempting to soothe these tales etched in our skin.

Three different ethnicities and a skin condition
Some skin conditions, such as Vitiligo aren’t necessarily experienced as debilitating.

But what if, instead of seeking to change the skin’s narrative, we tried understanding it better, through our emotions and thoughts? Imagine, for a moment, that our skin conditions could listen. What if they could hear our thoughts, understand our feelings, and respond to our suggestions? It might sound like a fairy tale, but it’s closer to reality than you might think.

Now, you must be wondering, “How does Ho’oponopono enter this magical story?”

Well, it begins with a tale of healing as real as the skin on your body. Once upon a time, Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len had a daughter suffering from a painful skin condition called shingles. Nothing seemed to help, and it seemed like a dark cloud was looming over them. But one day, their path crossed with Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, the mother of modern-day Ho’oponopono.

Like a wise sage, Morrnah used the power of Ho’oponopono, not to directly heal the skin condition, but to cleanse her own thoughts and emotions. Eight months later, a miracle unfolded – Dr. Hew Len’s daughter was completely free of her skin condition.

This inspiring tale brings to light the philosophy of Ho’oponopono. It’s not about healing others or changing them. It’s about cleaning our own “emotional house” – our thoughts, feelings, and memories that influence our life. This process, they believe, helps us return to a state of Zero or pure inspiration.

When we clean our emotional house, we don’t just benefit ourselves; we also light up a path for others to find their own healing. But remember, our journey is not about fixing others. It’s about understanding and healing ourselves, trusting that this journey will benefit those around us.

So, the next time your skin tells you a tale, instead of seeking to change its narrative, try listening to it. Explore the emotions it stirs within you and remember the power of Ho’oponopono. You are not just healing your skin; you are healing your world.

An Hawaiian symbol for a person as described by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

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