Image of a behavioural scientist

Ho’oponopono Meets Behavioural Science

Contemporary ho’oponopono is all about cleaning out the Karmic Data recorded in your subconscious-inner child. Do this and unwelcome habits will leave you.

If you’re someone who rejoices in getting into abusive relationships, in time this will stop (because all the old data replaying will have gone).

Maybe you have other kinds of addiction? Perhaps you’re a workaholic? Could you be addicted to drugs or alcohol? Some just enjoy buying ‘shiny things’ like branded items, such as watches, cars, yachts and other status symbols.

Are you one of these?

If so, you’re quite suggestable and so likely to fall under the spell of skilled behavioural psychologists.

They know how to prime your mind to take certain actions.

They are also aware that such priming can even alter your body’s chemistry.

Quite literally, a food label can make you ill, or healthy.

An expensive pill may cure your headache, whereas one with the same ingredients in the same quantity will have little effect for many, simply because it’s the wrong colour, or cheaper.

Three different coloured pills.
The colour and expense of a pill can affect how effective it is.
This is very important because both Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len (who are well known by those within ho’oponopono circles) believed that it was our mental activity (far more than any physical props) which did most of ho’oponopono’s heavy lifting for us.
Dr. Benjamin Hardy (author of Be Your Future Self Now) tells of how some tests were carried out in an experiment.
Two groups were formed and fed identical samples of yoghurt.
One group was labelled as being wholesome, organic, gluten free, with no additives, or artificial flavouring.
The second group received yoghurt labelled with lots of preservatives, as being full-fat, and artificially flavoured.
After the yoghurts were consumed, members of each group were blood-tested.
The blood tests showed that people’s metabolisms had responded to what the food label had informed them about the product (yet chemically, all of the yoghurts were identical).
This finding plays into ho’oponopono because, when we delete our karmically driven responses to information, we become free to listen productively to our intuition.
From there, it’s a small step to not suffering from the effects of product labelling. 

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