Sunset in the waves
Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len,  Ho'oponopono,  Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

Ho’oponopono: Unravelling the Mysteries of Time, Existence, and Healing

The mystical realm of Ho’oponopono, a Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness, unfolds layers of profound wisdom and insight. This practice, perpetuated by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona and furthered by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, facilitates an intimate exploration into the human psyche and spiritual essence. As we delve into the Ho’oponopono universe, we encounter the unending journey of the soul, traversing through various forms of existence, from seaweed to human. This premise, rooted in the ancient wisdom of countless lifetimes and reincarnations, shatters the materialistic view of the world.

Theoretical constructs of modern science, while valuable, are limited and fall short of grasping the infinite expanse of the universe. Instead, the concept of a singularity, a singular point in space and time from where the entire universe is said to have originated, aligns more with the boundless narrative of Ho’oponopono. This analogy extends into the notion that our universe could be a product of a black hole from another universe, suggesting an unending cycle of creation and destruction.

The exploration takes a thought-provoking turn as we contemplate the intricate web of cause and effect. Everything we experience is interconnected, making us products of an infinite chain of events. This concept paves the way for the understanding that we could have been anything in the past – a worm, a cockroach, or even a seaweed. The material of our bodies, born of the earth, will eventually return to it, becoming a part of something even older.

Ho’oponopono tackles the concept of miracles, questioning when they actually begin. Traditional thinking attributes miracles to a divine entity, such as Jesus in the Christian faith. However, Ho’oponopono suggests that it is faith, and the act of taking complete responsibility, that fuels healing. It provokes a profound question: when did the healing start? Was it the moment of divine intervention or was it a consequence of a chain of events too vast to comprehend?

Moreover, the healing process and the notion of miracles tie back to the concept of time. In the light of Ho’oponopono, past and future become constructs of the mind, with the present being the focal point of existence. All stories, experiences, and memories are contained within us in the present moment. Ho’oponopono implores us to comprehend our identity in this context, reminding us that we are not merely seeking external fulfilment, but rather a deeper understanding of our existence.

In essence, ‘deep Ho’oponopono’ offers a transformative approach towards life. It is not about acquiring material possessions or achieving fleeting moments of happiness. Instead, it is about perceiving the miracles in simple daily actions, such as sleeping when tired or eating when hungry. Above all, it is about creating our own personal timeline from which tales of the past and visions of the future emerge, yet remain forever incomplete. This, in its core, is the profound and mystical world of Ho’oponopono.

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