a mother with her child
Cleaning Methods,  Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len,  Ho'oponopono,  Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

Unmasking Ho’oponopono: A Gateway to Self-Healing and Clarity

Aloha, dear readers! Today, we’re sailing to the picturesque islands of Hawaii, to unravel the wisdom enshrined in an ancient Hawaiian practice – Ho’oponopono.

First, let’s decipher the word ‘Ho’oponopono.’ It’s a compound of two Hawaiian words – ‘Ho’o,’ meaning ‘to make,’ and ‘ponopono,’ meaning ‘right.’ So, together, Ho’oponopono means ‘to make right.’

Ho’oponopono, traditionally, was a family meeting led by a wise healer or ‘kahuna lapaʻau.’ The aim was to resolve disputes, mend relationships, and bring peace. But the unique twist in this tale is how the ancient Hawaiians viewed human emotions. They believed we’re not our emotions but mere observers of them.

Now, you might wonder, “How is this relevant to me?” The modern version of Ho’oponopono, popularized by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, holds the answer. They transformed this ancient practice into a tool for self-transformation that we all can use today.

The Core of Ho’oponopono

Consider the case of Dr. Len, who was employed at Hawaii State Hospital, working with criminally insane patients. The hospital ward was in a grim state, but something magical happened over time. Dr. Len didn’t directly treat the patients, but in his office, he practiced Ho’oponopono, applying it to his own feelings and thoughts about the patients. The transformation was nothing short of a miracle – the ward conditions improved, the patients became healthier, and the atmosphere lightened.

The essence of the practice is that we can’t change others, but we can change our reactions and emotions towards them. Just like how Dr. Len worked on himself, not the patients.

The Four Phrases of Ho’oponopono

Ho’oponopono is a simple practice, focused on these four phrases:

❤️ Thank you.
❤️ I am sorry.
❤️ Please forgive me.
❤️ I love you.

You might stumble over saying ‘I am sorry’ or ‘Please forgive me.’ But remember, these phrases are not meant for others but for you. It’s like how we apologize to a child after mistakenly scolding them – the apology is to mend our bond with the child, not because the child demands it.

How to Practice Ho’oponopono?

There is no rigid ritual here. You can say these phrases in any order, in any language, at any time. They aren’t a mantra but a dialogue with your inner self. However, Ho’oponopono is not something to be taken lightly. Use these four phrases constantly and wisely.

The Power of Ho’oponopono

What makes Ho’oponopono so powerful is its focus on inner healing. It believes our subconscious records everything that happens to us, including the experiences of our ancestors. By practicing Ho’oponopono, we can cleanse these records, freeing ourselves from their influence.

To draw an analogy, imagine life as an airplane journey. During turbulence, oxygen masks drop. We’re advised to put on our mask first before helping others. Ho’oponopono follows the same principle – heal yourself first.

Conclusion: Ho’oponopono for a Better World

If each of us practiced Ho’oponopono, we could heal our inner selves, and, in turn, create a healthier, happier world. Remember
it’s not about controlling what happens to you but about how you respond. Let go of expectations, and allow yourself to be open and receptive.

A child with an untidy room
Your Subconscious is your Inner Child

Let Ho’oponopono guide you on this journey of self-discovery and healing. Embrace the phrases:

❤️ Thank you – for the lessons and experiences.
❤️ I am sorry – for any harm caused, intentionally or unintentionally.
❤️ Please forgive me – for any errors made.
❤️ I love you – a recognition of love and respect for oneself and others.

Ho’oponopono is not a magic wand, nor a quick fix. It’s a path towards self-awareness, mindfulness, and healing. As you embark on this journey, remember that every step you take contributes to your growth. It’s okay to stumble; it’s okay to fall. The essence of Ho’oponopono is to acknowledge your errors and take responsibility for your actions and emotions.

So, dear readers, I invite you to give Ho’oponopono a try. Let’s usher in a wave of self-healing, peace, and harmony, and together, let’s make the world a better place, one healed heart at a time.

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