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Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len,  Dr. Joe Vitale,  Ho'oponopono

Dreaming with Open Eyes: Ho’oponopono and the Real Law of Attraction

Imagine, for a moment, that you’re diving back into your favourite books by Dr. Joe Vitale, such as Beyond Zero: The Quest For Miracles Through Ho’oponopono and The Attractor Factor. You’ve journeyed through their pages numerous times, but this time, something feels different. The words seem to dance with a new vibrancy, with ideas and teachings appearing fresh and unexplored.

This was my experience, and it led me to a fascinating realization about the essence of Ho’oponopono, the ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness.

In Zero Limits, co-authored by Dr. Vitale and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, the latter introduced a profound idea: as we cleanse ourselves internally through Ho’oponopono, our progress resonates and uplifts those around us – even those reading our words. Dr. Vitale questioned how this could affect his previously published books. Dr. Hew Len’s response was mind-opening: “Those books aren’t out there. They are still in you.”

This philosophy aligns with my life experiences, where reality often feels dream-like, peppered with unexpected synchronicities and personal growth reflected in my clients’ journeys. As I revisited Dr. Vitale’s books, I noticed that they seemed enriched, offering a wealth of wisdom previously unnoticed. Skeptics may suggest that I overlooked these insights in the past, but I prefer the more enchanting explanation: the words themselves evolved, reflecting the continuous growth and understanding of Ho’oponopono.

Both Carlos Castaneda, the writer/shaman, and Arnold Mindell, a psychologist and physicist, propose that our world is a dream. We play roles in it, but the true magic unfurls when we process our experiences, deepening our understanding of our awe-inspiring selves.

However, a word of caution: we must interpret these revelations wisely, especially when considering the Law of Attraction. Many people misuse it to acquire materialistic desires, perpetuating an illusion of an external world that they can manipulate. But in truth, according to Ho’oponopono and modern scientific principles, there’s only Divinity or potential energy. Our perceived reality is a 3D illusion created by our internal filters, made up of karmic-data accumulated over time.

Ho’oponopono helps us cleanse these filters, aligning us closer to our true potential and oneness with Divinity. Longing for materialistic pleasures only strengthens our illusionary world, trapping us in the time wheel of life.

The Law of Attraction and Ho’oponopono might seem similar, but their focus diverges crucially. While the former deals with manipulating an illusionary world, Ho’oponopono centres on dissolving our karmic filters, enabling us to embrace our true potential in unity with Divinity.

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