An arial view of a persons paddling into the vastness of the ocean on a surfboard.
Advaita,  Ho'oponopono

Unlocking the Secrets of Ho’oponopono: More than Just a Mantra

In the vast landscape of spiritual practices, Hawaii offers a gem known as Ho’oponopono. While many novice spiritual explorers might mistakenly reduce it to a simple mantra—I’m sorry, thank you, please forgive me, I love you—the reality is far richer. Let’s venture deeper, dispelling myths and discovering the profound impact of this Hawaiian treasure, especially when juxtaposed with popular spiritual ideologies like the Law of Attraction.

The Canvas of Our Reality: Subconscious & Conscious Mind

The world we perceive and our physical presence in it primarily manifest through our Subconscious Mind. It’s a theater where memories replay, punctuated occasionally by moments of pure Inspiration. Our Subconscious and Conscious Minds, together forming the Soul, do not produce original experiences. Instead, they reflect either memories or inspirations. Picture them as mirrors, reflecting past experiences or rare divine insights.

The onus is on us: do we let memories dominate, or do we make room for inspiration?

The Real Protagonist: The Void

At the heart of all existence lies Void—a foundational state, preceding even the first spark of Inspiration from the Divine Intelligence. It’s the canvas upon which the universe is painted, starting and ending with a profound nothingness. Memories that replay in our minds push away this void, obstructing the flow of Inspiration. The challenge? Transform these memories, returning to that state of pure potential.

Ho’oponopono: The Ancient Art of Self-Cleansing

Originating from Hawaii, Ho’oponopono is not just a practice—it’s a transformative journey of repentance, forgiveness, and transmutation. It requires the unified effort of four components of our Self Identity: Divine Intelligence, Super Conscious Mind, Conscious Mind, and the Subconscious Mind.

Divine Intelligence: This is the source of all creativity and inspiration.
Super Conscious Mind: Pure, unaffected by the memories playing in the Subconscious Mind. It resonates with the Divine Intelligence; as the Divine moves, so does it.
Conscious & Subconscious Minds: They either reflect memories or inspirations, with the Conscious Mind having the power to steer the direction.

The Process Unveiled

Ho’oponopono isn’t a passive experience. The Conscious Mind initiates it, acknowledging that memories replaying in the Subconscious Mind are the root issues.

The process is intricate:

  • Step 1: The Conscious Mind petitions Divine Intelligence to transform these memories.
  • Steps 2-4: This request travels down to the Subconscious, stirs memories, rises to the Super Conscious Mind for validation, and then finally to Divine Intelligence.
  • Steps 5-6: Divine Intelligence responds by sending transmuting energy, which works its way down, neutralizing memories and restoring the void of nothingness and potential possibilities.

The beauty of this process? Even without understanding it completely, the Soul can still be inspired by the Divine Intelligence. However, to consistently resonate with this divine frequency, one must cleanse memories incessantly through ho’oponopono.

 The Tools at Your Disposal

Ho’oponopono offers practical tools to aid this cleansing:

Mantras: Simple phrases like “I love you” and “Thank you” can be whispered mentally, reaffirming your intention to cleanse memories.

Blue Solar Water: Sun-charged water in a blue container, this tool can be consumed, used for cooking, or even as a rinse. It helps void the replaying memories.

Berries: Nature’s gift, strawberries and blueberries, consumed in any form, aid in voiding memories.

 Ho’oponopono vs. The Law of Attraction

While both aim for a better, more fulfilling life, there’s a key distinction. The Law of Attraction doesn’t specifically target the reduction of karmic data; it’s about aligning with desires. In contrast, Ho’oponopono is a dedicated spiritual practice to cleanse, renew, and restore the Soul’s original state.

Concluding Thoughts

At the heart of it all lies a choice—do we let our life be governed by replaying memories or by divine inspirations? While the Law of Attraction provides a roadmap to our desires, Ho’oponopono equips us with the tools to cleanse our canvas, ensuring every manifestation is pure and untainted.

The real question is, who’s in charge? The choice rests with you

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