A dream-like collage
Advaita,  Ho'oponopono,  Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

What Is Ho’oponopono Used For

Very simply, ho’oponopono is designed to help you. It’s NOT built to alleviate the world’s misery, or  the sufferings of others. Yet, paradoxically, as you clean the perceptions caused by your own Karmic-Data, others who have shared it are relieved as well.

It may seem ‘selfish’ to some to work at cleaning themselves before others. After all, aren’t people suffering from wars, starvation, slavery, even murder and rape elsewhere?

You may attempt to help such people by becoming a member of a police-force, an ambulance crew, a doctor, nurse, fireman, or even military personnel. 

It may make you feel better about yourself, yet it won’t have much effect upon the world, because people have been joining such organisations since the beginnings of civilisation.

The problems are still with us, and even magnified through technology due to the world in which we find ourselves.

In ho’oponopono we believe that it’s by far preferable to clean out any data which may seem to be causing problems ‘out there’.

That way we no longer suffer it, and it’s removed from our world forever.

Think about what they tell you to do on airlines.

‘When oxygen masks fall from the ceiling, help yourself first before attempting to aid your child’.

Whilst this may seem wrong (because most of us will do almost anything to protect our children) it’s actually a way in which we can live to help them if they’re struggling.

There’s another universal law here too. Let’s say you’ve put on your mask yet two children are struggling with theirs.

One is yours and sits right next to you, and the other is twelve rows forward in the aircraft.

Which do you help first?

Of course you help your own child first, before moving on to the other.

And so, here’s the lesson. Attend to your own problems first, and the things that attract your attention next.

Rather than ignoring the overgrowth in your own garden because you’re too busy attempting to feed the world, put your own world in order.

Ho’oponopono can help you with all of the following (if they come into your immediate attention).

Your own mental health problems (such as stress) many physical difficulties (such as skin problems and more serious ones) safer travelling, legal disputes (such as planning and building regulations) vehicle maintenance. In fact ho’oponopono helps with everything (yet its outcome shouldn’t be restricted).

For example, if you’re facing a medical procedure then clean on your emotions about it. This isn’t about avoiding having operations, court cases, or flying without airplanes.

Ho’oponopono is all about having successful outcomes.

Everything I’ve just prescribed for you as an individual also applies to you personally when you witness, or become aware of another’s distress.

Clean on your own reactions to what you’re witnessing, and all will come out right in the end (even if not as you had anticipated, or hoped for).

Our modern scientific paradigm says that we live in a world of duality.

Without such an understanding, science becomes impossible to conduct.

Yet, every competent scientist knows that such an idea is a conjecture.

It has to be assumed, or they would be out of a job.

There is a movement known as ‘science within consciousness‘. One of its main proponents is Professor Amit Goswami who has been working upon this for many decades. 

His is an ancient way of understanding consciousness. It’s known by many as the perennial philosophy.

The assertion is that consciousness (the ability to perceive) is common. What we experience simply occurs upon this background. Or you could say, it’s not another that you meet, you meet in another.

Psychologist and Process Worker Arnold Mindell claims that we ‘dream each other up‘.

This was all understood by the ancient kahunas who developed ho’oponopono.

Their symbol for a human being was a triangle within a square.

An Hawaiian symbol for a person as described by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona
An Hawaiian symbol for a person as described by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona
The triangle referred to a person’s vibrational levels of consciousness. The lower vibrations were concerned with being identified with the earth and events as they unfolded.
The pinnacle connected them to infinity (or Divinity if you like). 
The square represented the ever-present background of consciousness (an awareness of being).
Anything beyond the square represented the unfathomable unknowingness (you don’t know that you don’t even know that you don’t know).
Once you experience such a change in perception, there is no going backwards. You may, however, practice ho’oponopono even without a perceptual shift (maybe as an experiment).
Simply act as if every problem you perceive isn’t ‘concrete’ in the scientific sense.
Watch changes within yourself (and others) slowly unfold.
WARNING: Ho’oponopono isn’t The Law of Attraction, also if you decide to experiment with using it, then act as if you are 100% committed to ho’oponopono at all times, and for some months 😃

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