Boundary Dispute

100% Responsibility

Do you ever find yourself in an argument with someone, maybe a neighbour or a friend, and it seems like there’s just no way to solve the problem? You might think that going to a judge or mediator would help, but what if I told you that there’s another way to handle disputes?

It’s called ho’oponopono, and it means taking 100% responsibility for any situation you find yourself in, even when you’re in a disagreement with someone else. This doesn’t mean just being nice to the other person or forgiving them. Instead, it’s about cleaning up any negative emotions or Karmic Data that might be causing the conflict.

There are many ways to clean, including using four phrases or engaging in 24-hour cleaning using Dr. Hew Len’s special method. Each method serves a different purpose, just like different tools are used for different tasks. Even if you do end up going to court, you can still practice ho’oponopono and see everyone involved, including the judge and your opponent, as divine.

When you take 100% responsibility for a situation, you cut the AKA cords that attach you to the Karmic Data and the other person. This helps you get clear and cut down on any negative energy that might come from the dispute.

You and the person with whom you are in dispute are simply ‘dancing’ to the tune of the same Karmic-Data, even though you witness it from different angles.

In the end, practicing ho’oponopono isn’t just about resolving conflicts. It’s about achieving a state of zero where forgiveness isn’t necessary because you realize there was never anything to forgive. So the next time you find yourself in a disagreement, consider practicing ho’oponopono and taking 100% responsibility for the situation. You might be surprised at how effective it can be!

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