Hawaiian Shaman Priest
Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len,  Ho'oponopono

Ho’oponopono as a Journey Back to Home

In the grand tapestry of spiritual explorations, where ancient wisdom intertwines with modern quests for understanding, there lies a gem often shrouded in mystery and misconceptions: ho’oponopono. This journey into the heart of ho’oponopono is akin to embarking on a voyage across mystical seas, navigating through mists of misunderstanding and waves of misinformation to uncover the true essence of this profound practice.

As Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len once observed, the realm of the internet is fraught with ‘doo doo,’ a testament to the myriad misinterpretations that cloud the true nature of ho’oponopono.

Clarifying Ho’oponopono

At its core, ho’oponopono is a practice of self-reflection and internal cleansing, a spiritual voyage aimed not at altering external circumstances or healing others, but at cleansing one’s own inner world. The journey begins with understanding that what we perceive as external challenges are reflections of our inner landscapes. By employing metaphors and analogies, let’s simplify this: imagine ho’oponopono as a compass that guides you not through physical locations, but through the vast and often tumultuous ocean of your own consciousness.

Personal Journey

My own expedition into the depths of ho’oponopono has been marked by encounters and learnings from notable figures and transformative experiences. A memorable workshop at the Cumberland Hotel in London, led by Arnold Mindell and attended by luminaries like Leo Rutherford and Jean-Claude Audergon, served as a profound intersection of dreams and reality, teaching me the intricate dance between our inner self and outer experience. These experiences, grounded in symbolism yet enriched with the wisdom of dreamtime, have been instrumental in my understanding of ho’oponopono.

Key Principles Explored

Ho’oponopono centres on the pivotal role of self-reflection in our spiritual journey. Terms like “dreamtime” and “kahuna” emerge as beacons guiding us towards understanding.

Dreamtime, an Aboriginal concept, reflects the belief that our reality is not merely what we see in our waking life but is deeply connected to the spiritual world of our dreams.

The kahunas, revered practitioners of ho’oponopono, teach us the importance of aligning with the flow of life, accepting the gifts and challenges that come our way with equanimity and grace.

Metaphorical Framework

Expanding the narrative, let’s draw parallels between ho’oponopono and the journey of life itself, using the metaphor of the sea to illustrate our spiritual exploration. Gratitude, awareness, and trust in the flow of resources are akin to the essential skills needed by a seasoned sailor navigating the vast and unpredictable ocean.

Just as a sailor expresses gratitude for the calm seas and navigates carefully through storms, we must appreciate the moments of peace in our lives and remain aware and adaptable during times of turmoil.

Ho’oponopono as a Journey

Our voyage through the world of ho’oponopono reminds us that the journey of understanding and internal cleansing is a deeply personal and transformative one. It encourages us to dive deep into the ocean of our own consciousness, to explore the depths of our being, and to uncover the treasures of wisdom that lie within. As we embark on this journey, let us remember that the true essence of ho’oponopono is not in seeking external validation or change, but in finding peace, balance, and harmony within ourselves.

In this exploration of ho’oponopono, we’ve navigated through myths and truths, personal experiences, and the core principles that define this practice. May this journey inspire you to chart your own course through the mystical seas of spiritual exploration, discovering not just the depths of ho’oponopono, but the boundless potential of your own spirit.

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