Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len,  Ho'oponopono

Empowering the Subconscious for Continuous Cleaning

A pivotal aspect of mastering Ho’oponopono involves training the subconscious mind to undertake continuous cleaning — a concept that might sound ambitious but aligns perfectly with the practice’s deeper objectives. This continuous cleaning transcends our active participation, embedding the cleansing process into our very essence, enabling a perpetual state of alignment with Divinity. Here’s how individuals can cultivate this profound connection and empower their subconscious to clean around the clock.

Building a Relationship with the Subconscious

The journey begins with fostering a nurturing, respectful relationship with the subconscious or the ‘inner child.’ This aspect of our psyche, which stores the bulk of our karmic data, behaves with the innocence and simplicity of a child.

Communication here is key; one must approach the subconscious with kindness, patience, and clarity, avoiding negativity that the inner child cannot process. This involves regular, mindful dialogue, acknowledging the subconscious’s fears, desires, and needs, and reassuring it of your conscious support and love.

Setting up Continuous Cleaning

With a foundation of trust and understanding established, the next step involves setting a clear, heartfelt intention for continuous cleaning. This doesn’t mean demanding or commanding the subconscious but rather inviting it to engage in this process with you. Visualize this, not as an order, but as a mutual goal, focusing on the benefits this continuous cleansing will bring to your peace, happiness, and spiritual evolution.

Employing Ideomotor Signals

Ideomotor signals can serve as a powerful bridge between conscious intent and subconscious action. By establishing a simple, physical signal (such as a finger movement) that represents a ‘yes’ or ‘agreement’ from the subconscious, you create a direct line of communication. Ask your subconscious if it’s willing to engage in continuous cleaning and watch for the signal. This practice helps solidify your intent and the subconscious’s commitment to it.

Reinforcing the Practice

Reinforcement comes through regular, conscious cleaning sessions where you actively engage in Ho’oponopono practices, such as the repetition of the four phrases — “I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you.” Each session strengthens the subconscious’s familiarity with the cleaning process, making it more likely to adopt this behaviour autonomously.

Addressing Blocks and Resistance

Encountering resistance or blocks from the subconscious signals the presence of deeply held fears or doubts. Address these through direct dialogue, asking the subconscious to reveal the source of its hesitation. Offer reassurance, understanding, and love, reinforcing the idea that continuous cleaning serves the highest good of all aspects of your being.

Patience and Persistence

Cultivating 24/7 subconscious cleaning doesn’t happen overnight. It requires patience, persistence, and a deep commitment to the principles of Ho’oponopono. Celebrate small successes and trust in the process, knowing that each step forward brings you closer to a state of continuous alignment with Divinity.

Living Ho’oponopono

Ultimately, training the subconscious for 24/7 cleaning embodies living the principles of Ho’oponopono in every moment. It means embodying forgiveness, gratitude, love, and responsibility not just as practices, but as the very essence of your being. In doing so, you transform not only your reality but contribute to the healing and elevation of collective consciousness.
By integrating these principles and practices into daily life, individuals can embark on a transformative journey towards not just understanding but embodying the essence of Ho’oponopono. This path leads to a profound realization that we possess the power to cleanse our karmic data continuously, facilitating a life lived in harmony with the deepest truths of our existence.

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