Becoming Clear and Radiant The Ho'oponopono Way

We all want happiness. Happiness means freedom. It's the freedom to choose simply to be. As the Zen Master Bankei once said; 'My miracle is that when I am tired I sleep and when I'm hungry I eat'. Yet, these two simple freedoms seem beyond many of us due to the demands of our families, finances and work. Many of us don't sleep too well either, even though exhausted. This basic course sets you on the simple path to correct common concerns and restore you to a life of balance. We don't all start from the same level, so for some it may involve more effort, or take longer, than for others. If you are thinking of just starting out on your own ho'oponopono journey this brief course may be just the map you need.

Happiness Through Ho'oponopono

  • Understanding what you want vs what you need.
  • Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, Dr. Ihalyakala Hew Len and The Ho'oponopono Prayer (or mantra).
  • Blue Solar Water.