A Whirling Dervish
Advaita,  Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len,  Ho'oponopono,  Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

Dancing With Ho’oponopono: Embracing Joy in the Present Moment

Hello, dear spiritual seekers! Grab a cozy chair and a cup of your favourite tea, as we explore the joyous dance of life through the lens of Ho’oponopono, the ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness.

In our modern world, we often find ourselves chasing the so-called “American Dream” – a promise of happiness and fulfilment through material wealth. But the more we rush after this dream, the further inner peace seems to drift away. Ho’oponopono, taught by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, offers a different approach. A simple, albeit challenging one, that leads us towards personal redemption and a joyful, balanced state of being.

The Ho’oponopono Dance
Imagine life as a dance. Sometimes, the music is fast and furious, like the frantic pursuit of material wealth. Other times, it’s slow and serene, akin to moments of quiet reflection. And sometimes, it’s filled with the joyful energy of Ho’oponopono.

When we practice Ho’oponopono, we enter a dance of inner dialogue. We say to our inner child, or ‘unihipili’: “I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you.” This isn’t a dance of remorse or sadness, but one of release, acceptance, and joy. It’s the joy of unburdening, of letting go of past hurts and making peace with ourselves. And even though this dance requires effort, it cultivates a peaceful balance that anchors our thoughts and actions.

Living in the Present Moment
The practice of Ho’oponopono invites us to appreciate the present moment. We often spend so much energy striving for future goals, or dwelling in past mistakes, that we forget to enjoy the here and now. But life, like our Ho’oponopono dance, unfolds in the present.

Consider the times you’ve been jogging, with the rhythm of your heartbeat and the soft whisper of the wind. You weren’t trying to become a future Buddha or reach a state of perfect serenity; you were simply experiencing the joy of movement. Similarly, when you’ve chanted in a group, it wasn’t about achieving a distant goal, but about being part of a harmonious sound in the present moment.

Nature’s Abundance and Our Inner Radiance
As we practice Ho’oponopono, we also learn to shift our perspective from scarcity to abundance. We begin to see the world not as a place of limited resources, but as a celebration of energy, much like nature that thrives in abundance and diversity.

Our pursuit of materialistic goals can make us believe that we lack something, that we’re incomplete. But Ho’oponopono teaches us to appreciate our inherent beauty and radiance, just as we appreciate the radiant sun or a beautiful flower. It’s not about seeking fulfillment in the future, but about realizing our full potential in the present moment.

Embracing the Cycle of Life
Lastly, Ho’oponopono helps us understand the cyclical nature of life. Just as the seasons change and the day turns into night, our experiences, thoughts, and emotions also ebb and flow. Past and future fade away as we immerse ourselves in the dance of the present moment.

So, dear seekers, as we navigate our spiritual paths, let’s embrace the practice of Ho’oponopono. Let’s dance with joy and forgiveness, anchor our thoughts in peaceful balance, and celebrate the radiant energy of the present moment. It’s a simple path, yet a challenging one. But with every step we take, every heartfelt “I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you,” we dance closer to our inner harmony.

Practicing Ho’oponopono offers a beautiful melody that can accompany us on our journey, reminding us to relish each step, each twirl in the dance of life.

Ho’oponopono is not a tool to acquire peace as an object of desire, but a path that transforms the pursuit itself into a dance of joy. So, let us embrace this dance, and as we do, we might find that the American Dream, the Buddha, or whatever we are seeking, has been dancing with us all along.

In this dance, we are not alone. We share the dance floor with fellow spiritual seekers from diverse backgrounds and paths. So, as we continue our dance of life, let’s also appreciate the unique rhythm of each spiritual path we encounter, learning from each other, and growing together in our collective journey towards self-realization.

Remember, dear seekers, the dance of Ho’oponopono is not a competition to win, but a celebration to partake in. It invites us to unburden our inner child, to anchor our thoughts and actions in peaceful balance, and to joyously participate in the unfolding of each present moment. So, shall we dance?

A woman dancing with a mop.

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