A man on a high mountain looking at the view.
Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len,  Ho'oponopono,  Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

Embracing Divinity Through Ho’oponopono: A Journey Towards Inner Liberation and Eternal Energy

In life’s vast tapestry, divinely spun,
Ho’oponopono’s wisdom brightly shines,
Releasing chains of past, each moment won,
In present’s canvas, the Divine designs.

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, you might have overlooked the subtle whispers of Divinity. But when you pause, breathe, and listen, you’ll find these whispers everywhere. From the vibrant world of business to the heart-warming ties of relationships, from the thrilling realm of sports to the nurturing arena of parenting – Divinity paints each moment with its own unique hue of inspiration. It encourages you to be present, making every moment count. Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness taught by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, allows us to tap into this divine power.

Ho’oponopono and Divinity urge you to appreciate the present in its truest form – free from the shackles of past desires or expectations. It’s about appreciating the rainbow after the rain, the blooming flowers in the spring, the first rays of sunrise – comparing them to nothing but the beauty they behold.

Imagine looking at the night sky, acknowledging the vast expanse of the universe with countless twinkling stars. Such a sight can make our earthly concerns seem minuscule, making us appreciate the riot of colours, shapes, and experiences that life offers.

Ho’oponopono teaches us valuable lessons:

Let go of the urge to control or resist life. Embrace each moment with openness, acceptance, and an adventurous spirit.

Aim to become ’empty’ inside, not by discarding who you are, but by releasing inner garbage and negativity. This inner cleansing, much like a river flowing freely after a blockage is cleared, leads to the liberation and free flow of energy.

Divinity defies the conventional belief that age limits our energy levels. It reminds us that unlimited energy springs forth when we release stored emotions and blocks, because Divinity, in all its majesty, exists outside the constraints of time.

The Chakra System

Transformation can only occur when we can honour and appreciate life in all its ups and downs. This act of acceptance opens our chakras, allowing us to experience love, light, and a sense of immense power.

Through the lens of Ho’oponopono, life transforms from a mere existence to an extraordinary journey. It shifts our perception of reality to see life as a garden of beauty and growth. Each day becomes a new canvas where Divinity dips its brush and paints a masterpiece that we get to experience. By practicing Ho’oponopono, we become the inspired artists of our own lives, living not just in moments, but for the moment.

Image credit: By mpan - Own work, based on File: Czakry.png, CC0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=49510274

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