A woman holding her head looking puzzled

Five Ways You Can Start Practicing Ho’oponopono Today

You’ve just heard about ho’oponopono? You’re in for a treat! This Hawaiian practice is all about forgiveness, and it can be incredibly powerful. If you’re interested in giving ho’oponopono a go, here are five ways you can start practicing today:

What is Ho’oponopono?

Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice of forgiveness and reconciliation. It is based on the belief that all things are connected. By forgiving ourselves and releasing negativity, we can bring about positive changes in our lives and in the world which appears to surround us.

The practice of Ho’oponopono is simple, yet it can be powerful. Here are five ways you can start practicing Ho’oponopono today:

1. Forgive yourself.

The first step to practicing Ho’oponopono is to forgive yourself. This means letting go of any negativity or resentment you may be holding onto from the past. Forgiveness is a key part of the Ho’oponopono practice, and it is essential for opening yourself up to the positive possibilities of the present moment.

We hold onto the past in the form of data. This is made up of two flavours. The first is all about actions taken in this lifetime. It will appear out of your subconscious yet be consciously remembered experience in the form of memories from your personal history. The second flavour involves karma. It’s about your ancestors (for example you may have similar features to a grandparent, or the health predisposition of you father). Part of the second flavour also includes any past lives you may have lived.

When we forgive ourselves this data is released by the subconscious (inner child). That’s why it’s your inner child who acts as a bridge between you and the forces which can make the changes.

2. Forgive others.

The second step to practicing Ho’oponopono is to forgive others. This includes forgiving those who have hurt you, as well as those who you may have hurt in the past. Again, forgiveness is key to the practice, and it can help to release any negative energy that may be holding you back.

Forgiveness of others is difficult for some. When we feel hurt, or victimised in some way it’s as if we cannot be at fault, so the other party or parties must be. In ho’oponopono no one is to ‘blame’ yet everyone must take 100% responsibility for whatever turns up in their lives. When we delete the memory data held by our subconscious then the other party has it deleted from their memory-bank too. Some think of this as being like jumping to a new timeline because history is literally getting deleted.

Ultimately, you’ll come to realise that whatever the circumstance there is really nothing to forgive at all. That’s an advanced stage of ho’oponopono though, which is why forgiveness is included here.

3. Release attachments.

Attachments are a feature of the subconscious inner child. It enjoys shiny objects such as cars, boats aeroplanes, watches and other luxury items. It desires that you’ll always seem young, and your spouse will always be faithful. I’m sure you get the picture!

These attachments are simply concepts. They are as much data as anything else you recall. Once you’re clear of them a car becomes a tool for getting from one place to another, rather than the equivalent of a knight’s horse (with you cast as the knight, of course). A watch tells the time, yet may still be used to impress others who are open to any status conveyed by it.

The 1980s 'Guru' Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, (Osho) Drive by in Rolls Royce.
The 1980s ‘Guru’ Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, (Osho) Drive by in Rolls Royce.

Attachments are rarely released directly. Instead you must clean up the emotions which make them so appealing. 

How Ho’oponopono Can Help You

If you find yourself struggling with negative thoughts or emotions, ho’oponopono can be a helpful tool to practice. This Hawaiian spiritual tradition is based on the belief that we are all connected and that our thoughts and actions can impact others in a positive or negative way.

Ho’oponopono means “to make right” or “to rectify an error”. It is a way of taking responsibility for our own actions and thoughts, and asking for forgiveness from those we may have harmed. The practice involves four steps:

  1. Recognize that there is a problem.
  2. Acknowledge your role in the problem.
  3. Forgive yourself for holding the data which makes the problem appear.
  4. Send love and healing to those affected by the problem.

You can start practicing ho’oponopono today by taking some time to reflect on areas of your life where you may need to make some changes. Consider how you can take responsibility for your own happiness and well-being, and send love and healing to those around you.

Tips for Practicing Ho’oponopono

As you’re interested in practicing ho’oponopono? Here are five ways you can start today:

1. Keep it Simple

The first step is to keep the process simple. You don’t need to complicate things by doing too much at once. Concentrate on the basics and work your way up from there.

There are lots of basic and advanced techniques on this website. You can use the search tool 🔍 to locate some of them.

2. Repeat the Mantra

One of the easiest aspects of ho’oponopono is repeating the mantra. This helps to clear your mind and allows you to focus and be positive.

Any mantra will stop the internal chatter between your conscious and subconscious aspects of your mind. Your soul will be at peace, especially when you use the four phrases of the ho’oponopono prayer.

3. Visualize What You Want

Another powerful tool is visualization. When you visualize what you want, you are more likely to achieve it. So, take some time to visualize your goals and what you want to achieve with ho’oponopono.

Be aware, however, that ho’oponopono isn’t The Law of Attraction (no matter what you’ve read or been told). It’s an ancient shamanistic system and it relies upon the unknowable power of infinity to bring you what you need (rather than what you desire as in The Law of Attraction).

4. Write it Down

Writing down your goals and intentions is also a great way to practice ho’oponopono. This helps to solidify your thoughts and makes it easier to stay focused on what you want to achieve.

Next, use the four phrases to ‘clean away’ what you have written. Tear up your goals and burn, bury, or otherwise discard the fragments so that you can get back to a state of void (or Zero).

5. Take Action

Finally, don’t forget to take action. Ho’oponopono is a powerful tool, but it is only effective if you use it. Always be open to Divine Intuition. Clean it and anything else you’ve received. What persists is true intuition, whilst that which fades is time-bound and thus karmic data from your subconscious memory bank.


Ho’oponopono is an amazing practice that can help you to improve your life in so many ways. If you’re looking for a way to start making positive changes, then consider experimentation with some simple ho’oponopono methods. If they work for you then you can expand your knowledge over time. It’s simple, it’s effective, and it’s totally free. What have you got to lose?

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