A Bonsai Tree
Advaita,  Ho'oponopono

Ho’oponopono: A Deep Dive into the Hawaiian Spiritual Practice of Healing and Harmony

Let’s begin by tracing our spiritual lineage back to the wisdom-keepers of the ancient Mystery Schools. These venerated institutions were a testament to the eternal pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, and the perfection of character.

Section 1: The Enigmatic Wisdom of Ancient Mystery Schools

For the uninitiated, Mystery Schools might appear elusive, their entrances hidden away from common eyes, revealing themselves only to those worthy of their secrets. These were the sacred spaces where chosen students could embark on the path of enlightenment, unveiling the cryptic truths of life and death.

Section 2: Discovery of a Bonsai Master: The Spiritual in the Mundane

My personal journey resonates with the complexities involved in locating these spiritual treasures. Fascinated by these ancient learning centres, I embarked on a journey to discover a Mystery School of my own. My search led me to an unexpected Zen Master – a bonsai artist who was a curmudgeonly philosopher with whom I worked at the time. His ‘school’ was tucked away in the backstreet of a terraced property in Manchester, a hidden paradise where life thrived in miniature forms. It was a mystical world, teeming with tiny trees and miniature forests, each piece a testament to the Master’s patient, measured touch.

My first encounter with the Master was a revelation. Here was an individual who embraced the slow rhythm of life, pouring his wisdom into each tree he touched. It dawned upon me then, that through these bonsai, he was not just teaching the art of miniature tree growth; he was imparting the spiritual lessons of growth and the laws of the universe.

Section 3: Wisdom from the Bonsai Master: Spirituality in Nature

The Master’s teaching revolved around fostering a deep connection with the trees. He taught me how to listen, to truly communicate with these living beings, and to comprehend their needs. Every prune, every shape, every slight bend of the tree’s branches unveiled a transformation in the tree – a transformation that echoed with profound spiritual growth.

It became apparent that this was not just a bonsai school; it was my sought-after Mystery School, with universal laws being imparted through an unorthodox medium. Overwhelmed by this realization, To this Master, spiritual growth was not divorced from its physical expression. It was a unified, intricate dance of the spirit and the material world.

Section 4: False Starts: A Lesson in Perseverance

In my quest to learn from the bonsai Master, I found inspiration. Yet it hadn’t always been that way. In my quest to learn I had encountered many false starts and blind alleys. These weren’t always time wasted because through them I learned much factual knowledge about how our world works, yet very little about how to develop as an individual. Perseverance and commitment to serve and learn led to my eventual acceptance upon various paths of knowledge. You need an indomitable spirit and unwavering resolve if you’re to become a testament to the transformative power of self-assuredness and determination.

Section 5: Embracing the Bonsai Master’s Wisdom: The Journey Begins

California Juniper by Masahiko Kimura
Noahfgodard, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons

I decided to throw myself fully into learning from the bonsai Master. It was then that I realized the Master was not just teaching me about bonsai. Through his interaction with the trees, he was imparting the wisdom he had gained from his years of spiritual discovery.

This realization allowed me to see beyond the visible and recognize the connection between the bonsai Master’s teachings and the ethos of the Mystery Schools. It highlighted the existence of a Universal Mystery School where life’s experiences served as valuable lessons. This understanding urged me to actively participate in this continuous learning process, acknowledging the spiritual lessons present in every moment.

Section 6: Universal Mystery School: The Pinnacle of Learning

The Universal Mystery School operates under the principle that we are all students, enrolled in a cosmic curriculum designed for our growth. This omnipresent school does not confine its teachings within physical walls. Instead, it disseminates its wisdom through life itself. Lessons are embedded in every experience, every interaction. Our teachers wear many faces and come to us in myriad forms.

This perspective invites us to shift our awareness, to recognize these lessons, and actively engage in our spiritual progression. While life’s lessons are inevitable, the conscious decision to grow and learn from them remains a choice. The Universal Mystery School calls for a commitment to conscious learning, an active participation in our journey towards enlightenment.

The principles of ho’oponopono echo throughout these teachings, subtly reminding us of our divine lineage. As children of a divine source, we carry within us the potential to grow, evolve, and ultimately reflect the pure divinity we originate from. Embracing the lessons of life and actively participating in our spiritual journey is an integral part of the ho’oponopono practice, serving as a beacon that guides us towards our true nature.

Section 7: Ho’oponopono: A Spiritual Blueprint for Healing

An Hawaiian symbol for a person as described by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona
An Hawaiian symbol for a person as described by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

Ho’oponopono, in its wisdom, proposes a unique model of the human psyche. Imagine a triangle enclosed within a square. The square represents the entirety of our known experiences, while the triangle illustrates a spectrum of vibrational frequencies—its pinnacle touching the realm of the known, and its base sinking into a dense, distorted world of harsh experiences. Misconceptions often portray this “lower realm” as a hellish punishment awaiting us after death. Ho’oponopono, however, reframes it as a space for learning—an opportunity to dispel our misconceptions and cleanse our past.

In Hawaii, a belief persists that every child is born with a bowl of perfect light. This light symbolizes their inherent divine potential. If nurtured, this light will grow, empowering them to accomplish extraordinary feats—to swim with sharks, to soar with birds, to comprehend the universe’s deepest mysteries. However, if they surrender to negative emotions like jealousy, they metaphorically toss stones into their bowl of light, dimming their divine glow. The crucial understanding here is that light and stone cannot coexist—where one is, the other cannot be.

A life consumed by negativity becomes stagnant, akin to a stone that neither grows nor moves. Yet, the Hawaiian wisdom reminds us that reversing this stagnation is as simple as upturning our bowl—letting the stones fall away, thereby allowing our divine light to grow anew. This analogy vividly illustrates the journey from succumbing to harsh experiences to liberating ourselves from them.

However, while simple in concept, the practice of turning away from negativity and making better choices is not easy—it demands patience, perseverance, and a conscious effort to ascend into the realm of divine light.

Section 8: A Bridge Between Science and Spirituality: An Insight into Ho’oponopono’s Mysteries

Recent discussions among astrophysicists speculate that our universe could be located at the center of a black hole. This hypothesis has gained traction with the advent of NASA’s James Webb Telescope, revealing secrets of the cosmos stretching back to our universe’s inception. Interestingly, Ho’oponopono’s model of the psyche suggests a similar idea—an unseen realm beyond all that we know, potentially encapsulating our known universe. Could this unseen realm be another universe, with ours existing as a black hole within it?



An artist's concept of the Webb Space Telescope. Credit: NASA GSFC/CIL/Adriana Manrique Gutierrez
An artist’s concept of the Webb Space Telescope. Credit: NASA GSFC/CIL/Adriana Manrique Gutierrez

While these notions remain speculative, they open up fascinating avenues for introspection. Some may find comfort in the idea that we create our universe moment by moment, reflecting our respective inner states of development. This process, in turn, is influenced by the amount of karmic data we carry—providing both a map and compass for our spiritual journey.

The role of Mystery Schools is to help us discover and understand this karmic data, while the practice of Ho’oponopono serves as the cleansing tide that washes it away. Both together, therefore, contribute to our continual journey of spiritual evolution and self-discovery.

Conclusion: Ho’oponopono – A Journey towards Healing and Harmony

This deep dive into the philosophy and practice of Ho’oponopono and its parallels with the principles of ancient Mystery Schools aims to shed light on a path that may seem obscured to many. It is a path of inner healing, self-discovery, and spiritual evolution—a journey that acknowledges the lessons life offers us and the active role we play in our own growth.

As we navigate the complexities of our existence, we learn to acknowledge and release our past, cleanse our present, and approach our future with a heart full of love, a mind filled with peace, and a spirit brimming with the light of our inherent divinity.

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