An artist's impression of Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona
Ho'oponopono,  Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

Ho’oponopono: A Deeper Dive into Morrnah Nalamaku’s Wisdom

Morrnah’s Profound Revelations

In her last public presentation, Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, a celebrated practitioner of the ancient Hawaiian art of ho’oponopono, unveiled the profound connection between this spiritual practice and our perception of the tangible three-dimensional world. She enlightened her audience with the idea that what we understand as our physical reality is merely a projection of the Divine, often obscured by our own karmic data.

Healing Historical Traumas

One of the most evocative instances Morrnah shared was her spiritual intervention for the sailors who perished aboard the USS Arizona and other vessels during the conflict with the Empire of Japan. Through the deep and intricate 12-Step Ho’oponopono process, she facilitated the release of these spirits, trapped within their watery graves, allowing them to transition to their subsequent destinies.

Spiritual Diplomacy: The Hostage Crisis

Morrnah’s spiritual prowess was not confined to historical events. She recounted her intervention during the U.S. Embassy hostage crisis in Iran. Before the age of easily accessible digital information, she emphasized the importance of understanding the intricate web of connections surrounding a situation. The hostages’ origins, the nations concerned with Iran over time, and even the subtle influences of nature spirits were all considered essential components of her spiritual mediation.

Ho’oponopono in Urgent Situations

While achieving serenity through meditation is ideal before practicing the Full Ho’oponopono, Morrnah recognized the necessity of adapting to pressing circumstances. She introduced the concept of ‘a quickie’, a rapid realignment tool to counteract potential harm during immediate crises like accidents or heated confrontations.

A Detailed Process of Reconciliation

Diving deep into the specifics of the US Embassy crisis, Morrnah delineated her holistic approach:

    1. Research and recognize all the nations concerned about the focal point (e.g., Iran).

    2. Use physical stimuli to foster a deeper connection and understanding of the nation in question.

    3. Seek the forgiveness of affected deities, encompassing spirits of various natural elements and acknowledging souls since time immemorial.

    4. Acknowledge the inherent limitations of our understanding. No representation can fully encompass the entire reality.

    5. Use visual stimuli to access and cleanse karmic data related to the concern.

    6. Map out the connections and origins of all involved parties.

    7. Surrender one’s data, accepting the divine forces at play.

Engage in her comprehensive reconciliation process.

Morrnah’s Prayer for Alignment

Morrnah shared a heartfelt prayer, a plea for cosmic alignment, harmony, and cleansing. This invocation was not just a testament to her faith but also a guide for all those seeking spiritual purity:

“Divine creator, father, mother, son as one, please locate the origin of my feelings, thoughts of ________ (fill in the name of each person involved. Do this for every current person, as well as all of those you know about from the past. Do this for their house’s addresses – even if this seems crazy. Do it for your own address. Finally, do it for all Nature Spirits and all Beings). … If I, my family, relatives and ancestors have offended you, your family, relatives and ancestors in thoughts, words, deeds and actions from the beginning of our creation to the present, we ask your forgiveness. Let this cleanse, purify, release, cut all the negative memories, blocks, energies and vibrations, and transmute these unwanted energies into pure light.”

Internal Peace as a Precursor to External Harmony

Morrnah’s teachings culminated in a profound realization. She believed that searching for peace in the external world is a fruitless endeavor. The genesis of true peace lies within our internal universe. By cleansing our karmic data and aligning with the Divine, we pave the way for a harmonious world.

Summing Up

Morrnah Simeona’s insights into ho’oponopono aren’t just about a spiritual practice but a comprehensive worldview. By understanding and embracing her teachings, we can navigate our lives with greater clarity, humility, and alignment with the Divine, ultimately fostering a world resonating with peace and understanding.

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