A Traditional Hawaiian Kahuna
Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len,  Ho'oponopono,  Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

Ho’oponopono: An Exploration of the Hawaiian Art of Forgiveness and Reconciliation

“Manipulation happens when I (as a therapist) come from the idea that you are ill and I am going to work on you. On the other hand, it’s not manipulation if I realize that you are coming to me to give me a chance to look at what’s going on in me. There’s a big difference…” So begins our journey with the profound wisdom of Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, a key figure in the understanding and dissemination of the ancient Hawaiian spiritual practice known as Ho’oponopono.

The Essence of Ho’oponopono

Ho’oponopono, a term that can be loosely translated to “set right,” “correct,” or “make it right,” is a process of reconciliation and forgiveness. This method, however, is far more than a mere series of steps to resolve conflicts or disputes. At its heart, Ho’oponopono invites us to deeply engage with our inner world, to cleanse our perceptions, and to find peace within ourselves, ultimately manifesting it outwardly. Its premise centres around the notion that we don’t heal others; instead, we cleanse ourselves, leading to apparent improvements in those around us.

Journey of Two Visionaries: Morrnah Simeona and Dr. Hew Len

The narrative of Ho’oponopono is enriched by the contributions of two remarkable individuals: Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona and Dr. Hew Len. Morrnah Simeona, while not the originator of Ho’oponopono, tailored this traditional Hawaiian method of conflict resolution into a profound spiritual-psychological practice. The title of Kahuna lapaʻau (often translated as ‘healer,’ more accurately as ‘doctor’) was bestowed upon her, indicating her immense knowledge and understanding of the human psyche, spirituality, and Ho’oponopono.

Dr. Hew Len, a student of Morrnah’s teachings, successfully broadened the reach of Ho’oponopono, simplifying its teachings without compromising their core essence, making it accessible to a wider audience.

The Twelve Steps of Ho’oponopono

Let’s now explore the twelve steps of Morrnah Simeona’s Ho’oponopono:

  1. Initiate with a prayer, inviting alignment between conscious, unconscious, and superconscious.
  2. Deepen this process by learning to communicate with subconscious operations.
  3. Perform a breathing exercise, initially for oneself, later for others.
  4. Recite an incantation that affirms the interconnectedness of all manifest and unmanifest phenomena.
  5. Engage in a prayer of repentance, acknowledging personal responsibility for actions and the world around while accepting our inability to correct matters solely with our conscious intent.
  6. Choose from four alternatives based on the situation:
    ‘A’ for comprehensive problem-solving and cleansing.
    ‘B’ for similar purposes but used in slightly different contexts.
    ‘C’ for dealing with issues related to conception, abortion, and miscarriages.
    ‘D’ for liberating negative vibrations from individuals, entities, atoms, and molecules.
  7. Recite a release incantation.
  8. Perform a cleansing visualization ritual.
  9. Request the transmutation of negativity into pure light.
  10. Conclude with a closing prayer.
  11. Undertake another round of the breathing exercise.
  12. Recognize the divinity in all thoughts and matter that enter our awareness, expressing gratitude to those who have helped us reach this point in our personal evolution.

A traditional ho’oponopono would end with an offering to Divinity, traditionally a food portion that is never eaten by attendees, although they may eat their own portions as a celebratory feast.

If these steps seem complex at first, liken them to learning how to ride a bike or assembling a flat-pack furniture item. Reading about it might seem daunting, but with practice and experience, it becomes second nature.

Ho’oponopono and the Symbolism of Rainbows

Why discuss rainbows in an article on Ho’oponopono? Just as a rainbow serves as a harmonious link between the earth and the heavens, Ho’oponopono is a bridge that connects our inner and outer worlds. The colours of the rainbow, each distinct yet seamlessly blending into the next, mirror the Ho’oponopono steps: individually meaningful yet interconnected, leading to the beautiful whole.

Conclusion: The Healing Journey Within

Ho’oponopono is not about ‘healing’ another person, but about healing the self. The power of this method lies in its ability to cleanse one’s own self-identity, to unshackle from past burdens, erroneous perceptions, and to reveal the pure light within.

This comprehensive exploration is largely based on the invaluable research for the book “RadicalDetox: How to save your life, restore your health, and create a new planet,” wherein Ho’oponopono forms the final chapter. The journey of Ho’oponopono is a testament to the power of forgiveness, reconciliation, and the fundamental truth that healing starts within.

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