A Family Group
Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len,  Ho'oponopono

Ho’oponopono And Attachment To Relatives

Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len famously said ‘There is no out there’. Yet our day-to-day activities constantly tell us otherwise. Our five senses seem to be bombarded by information about a seemingly material world.

On the other hand, in ho’oponopono, and many other disciplines, we believe that as we change the present (by either acting upon or cleaning data) the past changes just as much as the future. This will affect the fortunes (Hala) experienced by others connected via Aka cords in the past.

When we act from Data their pleasure and pain remains the same, yet when we clean Data their experiences will get changed for the better.

This tells us that our outer world (which we take for granted as concrete) is really rather slippery and not as solid as it seems.

In ho’oponopono we think that the physical worlds that we experience are created by the Karmic Data each of us carries within our subconscious minds (inner children). So what about all the other people we seem to meet?

The easiest way of understanding this is to assume that everyone you meet (and even some pets another animals connected to you through the Data your subconscious carries) is dreamed up especially because of the Data you share. You might also think about this as you do about your dreams. In dreams you may meet people, or landscapes as well as situations. Sometimes the physics differs from everyday reality but by and large when you’re dreaming you’re fully immersed in the action and don’t concern yourself about ho’oponopono or anything other than the dream. Yet, it’s your dream, so all the people, symbols and activities within it must be projections of your own subconscious.

It’s exactly the same in everyday life. Although we may identify ourselves as bodies with an intellect that thinks, and we see others as being disconnected from us, in fact all rely on subconscious data.

As you clean on any difficulties that arise your life slowly changes. Perhaps it presents more challenges you may need to clean. Alternatively, it may mean that your problems abate for a while.

It follows that both you, and your relatives are both dreamed up. We say that they have a strong Karmic-Link to you. You may have ‘apparently’ been married to them in the past, or they could equally have been your children. Perhaps they were those people who simply had a ‘crush’ on you.

Ultimately, each of us needs to transfer such attachments to family members to the Divinity who first dreamed them up. Once you clean on concerns shared with loved ones both you and they get released into the freedom to make choices (as opposed to being run by data).

This doesn’t mean that we abandon our family members – it simply means that whatever we offer them needs cleaning as much as any other activity we undertake in our lives.

As. Dr. Hew Len says: ‘My responsibility is simply cleaning so that they (children and other relatives) have an opportunity to experience Divinity for themselves.

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