A hand holding a sponge cleaning a mirror
Cleaning Methods,  Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len,  Ho'oponopono,  Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

Ho’oponopono and Cleaning

When I first first heard Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len speak about cleaning in relation to ho’oponopono I very nearly lost interest then and there. Surely I wasn’t expected to spend the rest of my life repeating a seemingly obvious set of phrases whilst miracles ‘appeared to happen’ all around me?

There have been lots of changes since then. For example, if you’ve read my book which is all about ho’oponopono and how it stacks up next to contemporary psychologies and ancient models of the perennial wisdom then you’ll know, that I rate the physical act of cleaning to be one of the very best cleaning tools available to us.

Yet, you must do your cleaning correctly. Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona was one of the first people to suggest to Westerners that much of ho’oponopono can be a mental activity.

Our souls are systems comprised of the conscious mind and the subconscious. Together they may have conversations in which the subconscious makes suggestions and your conscious mind rejects those it doesn’t fancy.

You probably don’t fancy the physical act of cleaning and may even veto this post around here 😀

Yet, I encourage you to read further, since your life isn’t thus doomed at all.

Firstly, the physical act of cleaning must NOT be approached as some kind of obsession, or penance.

You simply do whatever needs to be done in the correct state of mind.

Secondly, rather than approaching cleaning as a task, or chore, welcome it as an opportunity to psychologically clean.

It’s true that your karmic data has brought this physical cleaning into your world. If you did nothing more than the act of  cleaning itself then you would most likely discharge some karma.

However, when you link the physical act of cleaning with the mental act of removing karma the effects are multiplied many times over.

Thirdly, physical cleaning and grooming are slightly different. Grooming is a function that all humans and animals perform. It’s the act of taking care of our hair and bodies.

Although grooming arises from karmic data, it’s difficult to make the act of grooming any more than the repetition of patterns from your past incarnations.

Whilst grooming it’s sufficient to repeat the ho’oponopono prayer.

Physical cleaning, however isn’t an animal trait. It’s almost exclusive to humans.

To use it as a powerful metaphor with which to remove karmic data, simply decide whatever it is you wish to clean upon (either before, or during your physical act of cleaning) and get on with it.

As time seems to pass, you’ll find that your ability to physically clean becomes more enjoyable, and you get better at it. Yet, there’s even more 😀

You don’t even have to do your own cleaning!

That’s right. When you employ a cleaner who does the physical work they can also be cleaning YOUR karmic data.

For this to work, you’ll need to decide what aspect of your life is to improve as a result of their cleaning.

In particular, you must be sure of any emotions you are holding regarding these obstacles and ask for them to be removed along with your trash.

Having someone else ‘clean for you’ is never as fast, or effective, as doing the physical cleaning yourself. When you’re on a busy schedule, however, it can be a practical solution. The sheer volume of cleaning done by another may outweigh any disadvantages of you never finding the time for your own physical cleaning activities.

Remember, when another person is cleaning for you, it’s like asking your subconscious inner child to work on your behalf.

    • Always treat the other person in a kindly way. 
    • Ensure that their cleaning is full and adequate.
    • Do NOT attempt to engage them in conversations about ho’oponopono unless they already practice, or they ask about it. 

Ho’oponopono is a wonderful discipline with a beautifully simple model of the psyche that we can all use.

Remember, though, that it originates from a shamanic practice and isn’t to be trifled with.

Always keep a check on your thoughts, and keep cleaning your way back to Zero.

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