A white man with a black woman in a field of sunflowers

Ho’oponopono And Male And Female Energies

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have it all together while others struggle with the most basic of tasks? And why some people seem to have less stress than others?

The answer may lie in the Law of Gender. The Law of Gender states there are two types of energy: masculine and feminine. In order to live a fulfilling, joyful, purpose-driven life, we must achieve a balance between these two energies.

During past lives we form attachments to preferred ways of being. These are encoded as Karmic Data and affect us through our vibrational energies.

Masculine energy is tied to hustling, achieving, and doing. Feminine energy is tied to surrendering, allowing, and just being.

Neither energy is better or worse than the other. When you find a balance between the two, you’re able to live your truest, most authentic life. Here, it’s also important to listen to your inner rhythm. For instance, if you’ve been in hustle mode for too long, your inner being may tell you it’s time to step back for a while and allow yourself just to be.

Ho’oponopono is a Hawaiian practice that acts as a way to cleanse yourself of any negative energy. It’s been around for over 2,000 years, and it’s been popularized in the last few decades by notable personalities who credit it with helping them to get beyond their own personal struggles and enabling them to stay positive.

It’s designed to help you find balance in the midst of life’s challenges, and it works by helping you learn to forgive yourself (and others).

The practice itself is simple: you begin by saying sorry (for not being perfect either now or in your past lives), then apologise to your subconscious mind (the inner-child), followed by asking for forgiveness from and offering gratitude towards yourself (as you accept 100% responsibility for whatever has befallen you). By doing this, you’ll find yourself able to forgive both yourself and others—which makes it easier to move forward with your life.

It also helps you develop intuition—a state of balance that is neither purely male nor female. Intuition is neutral, meaning that when you’re acting on your intuition (and even when other people might think what you’re doing doesn’t make sense), it doesn’t matter because all that matters is that it feels right for YOU!

When you practice ho’oponopono, you’re invited to act in ways which may seem illogical to you and even irrational to others. But this is where intuition comes into play.

Intuition is neither purely male nor female.

It’s a neutral state of balance in which you’re invited (through your actions) to act in ways which may seem illogical to you (and even irrational to others).

It doesn’t matter if your action seems well-thought out, or not. What matters is that you’ve been inspired by a force that’s greater than you will ever be as the simple human body/mind with which we normally identify.

It’s important to understand that ho’oponopono is not something you do once and then forget about.

It’s something that you practice daily in response to whatever comes into your mind. It may seem like an odd practice at first, but the more you do it, the more normal it begins to feel.

As you discharge karmic memories from behaviour in this and past lives remaining calm and in balance seems normal. Also, you learn that there’s no necessity to be grateful, or to forgive others because these are lower emotions and irrelevant to living out of states of awe and acceptance.

Eventually, you may wish to know more about various extra methods on ho’oponopono, yet if you start with the ho’oponopono prayer inspired action comes in its own time and mysterious way.

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