A man holding a fan of notes
Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len,  Ho'oponopono,  Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

Ho’oponopono And Money

Would you like some more money? I would, why wouldn’t you? Think of how having a windfall might give your life and confidence a boost. Wouldn’t you feel more secure? Isn’t money lovely? I’m not even discussing bathing in asses milk rich. I’m just thinking about being confident enough to know that you can pat the rent, or have the car serviced.

Times Square at Night
Times Square at Night
Photo credit Chensiyuan

Wherever you look, you’ll come upon people asking for your money either to buy investments (on the basis that they will make you more money), or products by which you may exchange what money you have for anything from a billion-dollar yacht, to a discounted pack of sausages. Both are meant you make you feel better about yourself. The yacht is a status symbol. No-one needs to own such a vessel it simply helps that most others can’t afford to buy one. The discounted sausages are ‘a bargain’ (which has been gained at the perceived expense of those buying at the regular price).

Like time, money depends upon context. Were you to be washed ashore on a deserted island you might happily burn a few bills in order to light a fire to dry your clothing? On a high street you wouldn’t think of doing so (possibly for fear of being dragged away by others to the nearest institution for lunatics).

This is where ho’oponopono comes in. It can help you to reset your mental attitude toward ownership in general, and money in particular. I have experienced this personally as my desire for better and more fashionable cars has given way to an affectionate relationship with the old one I drive. 

To my knowledge, neither Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, nor Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, who are the two best known proponents of contemporary ho’oponopono ever advised people to conduct a ho’oponopono to attract money.

Morrnah was against charging people for ho’oponopono services, although she might charge for other things such as herbalism, or remedial massage. This is a traditional attitude which says that we never charge others for something that came to us as a gift. For Morrnah, knowledge of ho’oponopono is such a gift. That’s why even though we sell ho’oponopono merchandise in the store, we don’t sell knowledge, or consultations for profit.

I know some will claim that our hardback book is more expensive than the digital ones, but that’s because you want a hardback book. The content is exactly the same as that of the digital version. Any charge made for the digital version, or other products, is simply a way to support the main work of writing free information. I will travel anywhere, to speak with any group about ho’oponopono at no cost but you’ll have to pay for my travel and supply me with some accommodation.

Getting back to the subject of money, is it really money that you want, or is it the emotional feelings which come with having some?

The Psyche
The Psyche (as described by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len)

The fact is that a desire for financial wealth is due to a sense of lack within the part of you that in the West is known as the Soul. The Soul is a system which occurs between your conscious mind and your subconscious. Your subconscious can serve up emotions such as lack, pain, loss, heartache, hatred, fear and anger, as well as physical tendencies like a humped back, breathlessness, small or largeness, being clumsy, good or bad co-ordination, wisdom teeth, and hiccups. It can also produce physical experiences that seem to give rise to emotions although truly it’s the opposite way around. The emotions produce the experiences.

Your conscious mind discriminates by rejecting options presented to it, whilst accepting others.

Fear is a very powerful form of faith. It can paralyse the choice making ability within your consciousness causing your subconscious to present more and more fear making data in the form of thoughts and actions. In its most extreme form this is called obsessional behaviour.

When you’re truly afraid of something, or someone, it will become more and more attached to you. Only by changing your focus will you be able to get past the chronic attractor known as fear.

Ostrich with Head Buried In The Sand
Ostrich with Head Buried In The Sand
(Style after Roy Lichtenstein)

This doesn’t mean that you must behave like the ostrich that buried its head in sand so as not to be able to see any danger. That ostrich was experiencing a kind of denial, although deep down (subconsciously) still knew that the danger existed.

To get past your fear means to no longer be afraid of any consequences it may bring you because you now have faith in something else.

First And Second Order Change

Having more money is simply a way of attempting to alleviate your anxiety by maintaining the status quo. You believe that more money will solve an immediate problem and so, then, things may continue as normal. You and your loved ones will be exactly the people they are now, totally unchanged, and can suffer no ill consequences as a result of your new found wealth.

This is, of course, untrue. It’s why those people who have won lotteries, or inherited large sums of money quite frequently are unable to cope with the consequences, and so are broke again within a few years.

Second Order Change steps over the question of money completely. It takes the attitude that if something is worth doing then the money will come that will make it happen. It’s rather like the idea that a good business-plan will find backers, that great causes will obtain crowd-funding, and that a great talent attracts benefactors.

Throwing A Pot
The aim in second order change, then, is to achieve something new, rather than to maintain a status quo.


Ho’oponopono helps you to achieve second order change because it wipes out the memories (Data) which keep you from achieving new things. It replaces this Data with the White Light of Inspiration (which can enable you to go forward and achieve wonderful successes).

There are several methods which may be used in ho’oponopono ranging from The Prayer (or Mantra which some believe to be what ho’oponopono really is); The Long Ho’oponopono (which others claim to be the true ho’oponopono), and cleaning tools.

All seek to remove negative Data (emotions) which causes events to seem to occur in your life. Scientists sometimes think of the cause of events as attractor patterns. These are really vibrations which make certain behaviours come to pass.

Whilst a lack of money presents as a concrete reality, it’s a mistake to believe it to be so. It’s simply the inevitable result of an attractor pattern. Rather than ‘attack’ the money (or lack thereof) directly seek instead to remove the negative emotions which being broke seems to evoke. Once you can remove these, your attractor pattern will change because you’ll have cleared away the troublesome data suspending your fear of loss.

Use any of ho’oponopono’s many tools to achieve this. When you do so you’ll find that you gain in wisdom, which is the greatest wealth of all.

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