A contemporary female kahuna

Ho’oponopono: Beyond the Mantra and Into the Light

Imagine, for a moment, a vivid memory from the past. For me, it was a year marred by childhood illnesses, each fever acting as a relentless reminder of frailty and vulnerability. Just as fevers can overwhelm the body, so too can these memories blur our spiritual vision, leading us down pathways shadowed in darkness, filled with tumultuous thoughts and emotions.

Every day, whether we recognize it or not, many of us wear a “mask.” We exist, unknowingly, in a state of perpetual darkness, under the control of memories that betray our true essence, and, dare I say, even our divine nature.

Understanding the Mask of Memories

Imagine our memories as the film in a movie projector, blocking the radiant light of consciousness. These aren’t just your typical recollections of yesteryears; these are deeply entrenched patterns, stories, and traumas. Effacing them is no simple task. And here, we stumble upon the core of ho’oponopono—a profound method of “cleaning.”

The Power of Cleaning

Ho’oponopono is not just a mantra of ‘I’m sorry, thank you, please forgive me, I love you.’ It’s a deeper call for repentance and forgiveness. Picture yourself standing before the vast expanse of your memories and asking for forgiveness for each one that has caused hurt, for yourself or others. Through this act, we invite the divine light to pierce our mind, transmuting these negative memories into positive energy. The results? A transcendent experience that a simple chant can never wholly encapsulate.

Divine Transmission and the Power of the Collective

Our spiritual journey isn’t a solitary one. A community, practicing ho’oponopono, can magnify its power, transmitting the cleaning and transformative process to one another. Picture it as a spiritual contagion, where enlightenment spreads, illuminating the path for others.

Seeking the Original Light

In Christian teachings, Jesus said, “Seek ye first the kingdom.” In the context of ho’oponopono, this is a clarion call to discover our pristine state—a “kingdom” or a “pure heart.” It’s about seeking enlightenment, which, in essence, is flipping the switch on in our consciousness.

But, what’s holding us back? Our incessant questions, our relentless expectations—they anchor us in darkness. Cleaning, on the other hand, propels us towards enlightenment.

The Pursuit of Purity

Why are we here? One might argue it’s to embrace our pure state, to strive for enlightenment. When we’re aligned with this purity, everything we ever need flows to us effortlessly.

Inner Paradises and Hells

Have you ever pondered the concepts of heaven and paradise? Rather than distant realms, they’re states of mind within us. In contrast, our suffering, our negativity—they’re the hells we inadvertently construct.

In closing, ho’oponopono isn’t just another spiritual fad. It’s a journey from the quagmire of negative memories to the luminous realms of enlightenment. Dive in, clean, and discover the light that’s always been within.

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