Someone exploring the 'inner' universe.
Advaita,  Ho'oponopono,  Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

Ho’oponopono: Delving into a Universe Within

“From the very beginning, native Hawaiians are taught to know who they are.” – Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona.

Understanding the Limitations of Cause and Effect:

In our relentless quest to make sense of the world, humans are often fixated on dissecting cause and effect. However, the spiritual richness of ho’oponopono asks us to reconsider this linear perspective. The more seasoned a practitioner becomes, the more palpable becomes the realization of the inherent limitations of our language and the logic bound within it. Consider for a moment the profound question: “Why is there suffering?” Intriguingly, even the word “why” suggests that there is a definitive answer awaiting discovery, like a pearl nestled within an oyster.

Questioning the Presupposition in Questions:

When we ask, we often believe we’re inviting knowledge. But there’s an irony in posing questions; a subtle trap. Questions, especially those anchored in “why” and “because,” unknowingly create boundaries for the answers we seek. They colour our perception, chaining us to time, place, and the mere illusion of our 3D dualistic world. This illusion, though comforting, is a far cry from the transcendent truth that ho’oponopono gently nudges us toward. Recent strides in quantum theory, particularly the integral role of sentient observation, accentuate the fragility of our perceived reality.

Three Approaches to Self-Inquiry:

The ho’oponopono path is not a monolithic one; there exist various trails leading to the summit of self-awareness.

The initial path compels us to trace back the “I” thought, exploring its origins. While profound, this route is a labyrinth that might ensnare one in its depths, taking lifetimes to traverse.

The second beckons with simplicity – examining the genesis of our thoughts. But, simple as it may seem, it demands rigorous self-observation.

Finally, the third asserts the illusory nature of space and time, urging the practitioner to cleanse the psyche of subconscious imprints, revealing a pristine canvas of existence.

The Nature of Space and Thought:

Imagine an expanse of serene water, occasionally rippled by passing winds. Thoughts, in many ways, are akin to these ripples, momentarily disturbing the tranquility of our inner space. However, a cautionary note: the absence of these ripples isn’t always an emblem of inner peace. Much like a journey, mistaking a layover for the destination might result in missed connections, in this case, profound spiritual revelations.

Differentiating Consciousness and Awareness:

Navigating spiritual waters, one often encounters the terms “consciousness” and “awareness.” In the context of ho’oponopono, consciousness is akin to the ripples – dynamic, ever-evolving, often shaped by our karmic imprints. Awareness, on the other hand, is a step removed, a silent observer, watching the play of consciousness with detachment.

Beyond Consciousness and Emptiness:

As practitioners ascend spiritual altitudes, they’re introduced to the “supreme witness.” In the tapestry of ho’oponopono, this is Divinity. Yet, like a mirage that becomes more elusive the closer we believe we are, Divinity too is a mere glimpse, not the entirety, of a profound truth.

The Elusive Nature of Enlightenment:

Enlightenment – a term that evokes images of serene Buddhas and ethereal ascetics. But is it merely a state of bliss, or is it freedom from the bindings of mortality? Within ho’oponopono, it’s crucial to understand that enlightenment, like many profound experiences, transcends mere words.

No Separate Individual Self:
The ultimate revelation of ho’oponopono, perhaps, is the understanding of the non-existence of a separate self. The very idea of a self trying to realize something outside of its conception is an oxymoron. Embracing this truth is a step toward unfettered freedom.

In closing, ho’oponopono isn’t merely a mantra, nor is it just another spiritual ideology. It’s a journey inwards, urging us to clean the lens through which we perceive our universe. While the Law of Attraction might guide one toward desires, ho’oponopono’s gentle whisper is to cleanse, to purify, to get closer to a truth that’s as profound as it is simple. As we walk this path, it becomes evident that our universe, in all its vastness, might be but a projection, clouded by karmic imprints. Yet, with every step, with every cleansing breath, the fog lifts, revealing glimpses of Divinity within.

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