The yin and yang symbol, with black representing yin and white representing yang
Advaita,  Ho'oponopono

Ho’oponopono: The Dance of Energy, Divinity, and Love

Energy. It’s all around us, in the sun that heats our skin, in the food that fuels our bodies, even in the thoughts that flit through our minds. Our very existence is a testament to the power of energy, and yet, how often do we take a moment to contemplate this essential fabric of our universe?

Take a look around you. The tangible objects, the intangible moments, and even the unseen forces that subtly shape our lives are all expressions of energy. From light to the elusive black matter and black energy, everything that exists, seen and unseen, is a manifestation of this fundamental force. This notion is not only central to science but also profoundly embedded in the ancient Hawaiian spiritual practice of ho’oponopono.

Divinity: An Intensified Form of Energy

But what happens when this energy intensifies? What form does it take? In ho’oponopono, we find the answer: Divinity. The omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent force that pervades all existence is but an intensified form of energy. Just as air, though invisible to our eyes, is ever-present, so too is Divinity.

Think of Divinity like the space around you. You can’t contain it, confine it, or limit it. It’s there, always, just as space is. It exists in a state of non-duality, much like space, which doesn’t distinguish between high and low or here and there. This understanding of Divinity’s omnipresence and non-duality forms a cornerstone of the ho’oponopono philosophy.

The Duality Dance: Embracing Complementary Opposites

However, we often perceive the world in dualities: good and evil, light and dark, Divinity and Beelzebub. This is the dance of duality, and it’s an integral part of our human experience. Yet, in the teachings of ho’oponopono, we find guidance to transcend this dualistic perspective and embrace a non-dual view of existence where everything is interconnected.

How can we achieve this transformation? The answer lies in understanding that opposite values are complementary, not conflicting. They enhance each other, contributing to the richness and complexity of existence. Much like how a delicious dish relies on a balance of sweet and sour, the universe relies on these complementary opposites to create harmony.

Let’s now delve into the seven universal principles or opposites, which serve as guiding stars on this journey of spiritual understanding.

1. All things are differentiations of One Divinity

The universe we inhabit is ever-evolving, ever-expanding. Everything around us, including our own selves, is a unique manifestation of the One Divinity. This realization is a source of comfort and inspiration. After all, our individualistic ego may pass away, but our soul consciousness will continue to evolve. Remember, we are all One. We are all interconnected parts of the grand tapestry of existence.

2. Everything Changes

Nothing in the universe is static. Every situation, good or bad, will change, simply because change is the very nature of the universe. This principle serves as a beacon of hope in difficult times and a gentle reminder to cherish the good times.

3. All Antagonisms are Complementary

Contrary to our instinctual view, opposites are not adversaries. They are, in fact, complementary forces. This principle encourages us to take responsibility for what we attract into our lives. For example, if we continually attract situations or people we dislike, we might need to introspect and make internal changes rather than blaming external circumstances.

4. There is Nothing Identical

Each of us is a unique being, different from anyone else. This principle calls us to celebrate our individuality and reminds us that our solutions to problems may not look like anyone else’s because the karmic-data carried in our subconscious is never identical to theirs.

5. Whatever has a Front, has a Back

This principle teaches us that every situation, no matter how daunting, has a side we are not seeing. Much like David found Goliath’s weak spot, we too can find the hidden sides to our challenges if we look carefully.

6. The Bigger the Front, the Bigger the Back

This principle applies to time and circumstances. Long-standing conditions or situations may take equally long to resolve, just as swiftly acquired gains may be lost just as quickly. It calls for patience, perseverance, and mindfulness.

7. Whatever has a Beginning, has an End yet Life is Cyclical

This principle serves as a gentle reminder to cherish the peaceful moments, stay strong during difficult times, and maintain humility and vigilance during successful times. It highlights the cyclical nature of existence.

Practices for Experiencing Divine Omnipresent Energy

Ho’oponopono offers us practices to connect with the omnipresent Divine Energy. Through these practices, we learn to quiet our minds and open our hearts to experience the non-dual essence of existence. However, it is crucial to remember that any explanation of Divinity, even this one, is merely an intellectual understanding rooted in the mind. The true experience of Divinity transcends the intellect.

Some practitioners of ho’oponopono report feeling an amplified form of consciousness surrounding them as they continue their practice. This heightened sensitivity may not be apparent to everyone, but it often manifests for those who engage in deep spiritual practices and ‘cleaning,’ which is a key component of ho’oponopono.

Love: The Bridge to Spirituality

Now, let’s talk about love. Love, in ho’oponopono, is a powerful spiritual experience. It lightens the mind, making it flexible and open. Contrastingly, negative emotions like anger or hatred can make the mind feel heavy and rigid.

Moreover, love is a potent antidote to loneliness. In the presence of love, feelings of loneliness dissolve, while their absence leads to a heightened sense of isolation. This interconnection between love and loneliness is like two sides of the same coin, one cannot exist without the other.

Science and Non-Dual Existence

In the quest for understanding non-dual existence, science, too, plays a role. True scientists understand that the vastness of the unknown far outweighs our current knowledge. They are open to exploring the possibility of a non-dual existence underlying all scientific understanding.

The Journey with Ho’oponopono

In essence, ho’oponopono offers us a holistic perspective on the universe and our place in it. It invites us to embrace the notion that everything, from the tangible to the intangible, is an expression of energy or Divinity. It teaches us to move away from a dualistic view of existence and realize the non-dual interconnectedness of all things.

Ho’oponopono guides us in understanding and living by the principle of complementary opposites, thereby helping us transcend conflicts and dilemmas arising from a dualistic perspective. It also presents practical ways to experience the omnipresent Divine Energy and highlights the importance of love in our spiritual journey.

Whether you are a beginner exploring ho’oponopono or an experienced practitioner of another spiritual practice, the insights and wisdom embedded in ho’oponopono can offer valuable guidance. And while it’s essential to remember that our intellectual understanding of Divinity is different from the actual experience of it, it’s still beneficial to explore these concepts and integrate them into our daily lives.

An intellectual understanding of these principles may offer insights into the profound interconnection of everything in existence and our own role within it. It can pave the way to cultivating love, acceptance, and peace, the qualities at the core of spiritual growth. However, it’s the actual experience, through practices and mindful living, that truly illuminates our path towards a deeper spiritual connection.

So how can we bridge this gap between understanding and experiencing? Here are a few practical steps to integrate ho’oponopono into your daily life:

1. Cleaning:

This is a core practice in ho’oponopono. It involves acknowledging and taking responsibility for any negative patterns or experiences you may be attracting into your life. By recognizing and addressing these issues, you initiate a process of healing and resolution.

2. Mindfulness:

Stay present in the moment because it’s the only time in which you can take 100% responsibility and change things. This may also help you to maintain a balanced perspective and be more in tune with your emotions and thoughts. Mindfulness can guide you to respond rather than react to situations, a valuable skill in maintaining inner peace.

3. Gratitude:

Cultivate a sense of gratitude for everything in your life, both the positive and the challenging. This practice can help you see the complementary nature of opposites and foster a more harmonious approach to life.

4. Love:

Nourish love in all your interactions. Love is the bridge that connects us to each other and to Divinity. It’s a powerful healing force and a foundation for inner peace.

Remember, the journey with ho’oponopono is a personal one, unique to each of us. Some may experience profound shifts quickly, while others may find the changes more subtle or gradual. But regardless of the pace, each step we take on this path brings us closer to understanding and experiencing the profound interconnectedness of existence, the dance of energy, Divinity, and love.

In conclusion, ho’oponopono is not just a practice but a way of life, a lens through which we can view and navigate our existence in a more harmonious, peaceful, and fulfilling way. It invites us to participate in the dance of energy and Divinity, engaging with the world and ourselves from a place of love and interconnectedness. By doing so, we not only enrich our own lives but also contribute to the collective well-being of all existence.

*I first read the seven universal principles of opposites quoted here in a book by Mikio Kushi on Macrobiotics yet, subsequently, I discovered that they have their roots in Taoisim,

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