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Ho’oponopono: The Easiest Way To Practice

If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you’ve at least dabbled in spiritual practices or come across the well-known Law of Attraction (LOA). But today, let’s embark on a journey through the pacific isles, delving into a powerful Hawaiian practice known as ho’oponopono. By the end, you’ll grasp not just the depth of this ancient art, but also its distinction and relationship with LOA.

Understanding Ho’oponopono Beyond Surface Mantras

Many who’ve encountered ho’oponopono are familiar with the mantra: ‘I’m sorry, thank you, please forgive me, I love you.’ But it’s so much more than this. Picture ho’oponopono as an ocean. While the mantra is the serene surface, beneath are unfathomable depths full of cleansing tools and profound spiritual practices.

Why Ho’oponopono isn’t the Law of Attraction’s Twin

I’ve always underscored a clear distinction between ho’oponopono and LOA in my writings. Not out of disdain for LOA, but because they operate differently. While LOA can manifest rewards, they often come tagged with karmic data, akin to a spiritual IOU. The adage goes: “what has a front has a back”. So, the grander the reward, the more significant the karmic back end.

Mentors like Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len painted a broader picture. Through their workshops, attendees learned to cleanse their karmic data. And the rewards? They manifested as these individuals cleansed and aligned their spirits.

The Seeming Paradox

It might seem paradoxical at first. Operate with the intention of gaining merit or healing another? That’s LOA territory. However, when you cleanse with ho’oponopono as an act of surrender to the Divine’s will, the rewards are profound. No karmic baggage attached, just a neutral memory of a spiritually elevating experience.

A Personal Revelation

Before my ho’oponopono introduction, I was part of a business growth scheme. An invaluable takeaway? Recording every aspect of my business to decipher patterns. This led me to a unique “meditative” practice. I’d lie, gaze at the ceiling, and empty my mind. Remarkably, this tranquil state often led to a new client referral.

Sharing this method with trainees yielded similar results. But here’s the kicker: it only worked when done with a genuine intent to relax, not forced anticipation.

In ho’oponopono, a similar principle unfolds. Seeking specific outcomes reduces your chances of manifestation. However, cleansing karmic data with a genuine intent to follow the inspiration of Divinity allows miracles to flow seamlessly into your life.

In Essence: The Beauty of Surrender

Ho’oponopono isn’t a shortcut to your desires. Instead, it’s an invitation to cleanse, heal, and align with the Divine.

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