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How Ho’oponopono Works With The Law of Rhythm

The Law of Rhythm is all about cycles and perpetual movement. The Law of Rhythm states that everything comes in cycles, and nothing stays in one state forever. This can most easily be seen in the changing of seasons. Summer eventually gives way to fall, which turns into winter, which turns into spring, and eventually, it’s summer again.

You can also think of a human’s life cycle, from infant to toddler to child to teenager to adult; the aging process is a cycle that never stops.

However, there are many things around us that don’t seem to follow this pattern.

Think about how you feel when your car breaks down or when your computer glitches out—you may feel frustrated or angry because these things don’t follow the rhythm of nature.

Yet, these things are part of nature too! They are just not cyclical like plants and animals—they are more chaotic and random than anything else on earth (or in space).

How do we deal with these?

When you understand that your life is a cycle, and not just a series of random events, it can help you develop a sense of calmness and peace within. This is because you will see that everything you experience in life is meant to be as it is, and there’s no need for struggle.

You can also use this understanding as an opportunity to step back from your own life and see it from a wider perspective. For instance, if you are experiencing hardships in your life right now, those hardships won’t last forever. They are just part of the cycle of growth and change that we all experience as human beings. When you understand this, it allows you to take full responsibility for your actions without feeling guilty or ashamed about them.

It’s also important to pay attention to your own inner rhythm, and to flow with this rhythm instead of against it. For instance, maybe you’re feeling tired and need a break from the stress of daily life. Instead of trying to ignore these feelings, you can choose to flow with your own inner rhythm by taking a social media break and spending a weekend out camping in nature.

It’s easy to get caught up in the stress of everyday life and feel like you’re on a hamster wheel. But have you ever stopped to think about how your life is repetitive?

A lot of people don’t understand this, but everything that happens in your life is part of a cycle—and if you look closely, you can see it all around. 

In ho’oponopono, we believe that our rhythms result from karmic data that we carry from both our ancestors, and also past lives.

Karma is a Sanskrit word, which means “action.” In essence, it’s a system of cause and effect. The idea is that what you do will have an impact on your future. This can be positive or negative.

It’s important to note that karma doesn’t mean what happens to you is your fault—it’s just something that happens because of who you are and what you’ve done in this lifetime or another one.

When we speak about rhythms, we’re talking about the cycles of life: birth/death/rebirth; day/night/sunrise/sunset; etc. These cycles are not random—they follow specific patterns that have been set by nature itself. There are many different theories about why this happens, but in ho’oponopono we think that our rhythms result from karmic data that we carry from both our ancestors (who were people just like us), and also past lives (which may even include creatures in various forms).

Today’s practice involves repeating  four phrases: “I love you,” “I’m sorry,” “Thank you,” and “I’m sorry for hurting you. It’s addressed to your inner child (which is also the subconscious mind)”

The practice also involves acknowledging and forgiving karmic data from past lives and from ancestors. The idea behind ho’oponopono is that when we don’t forgive ourselves or others, it creates bad karma that affects our daily lives. The purpose of a ho’oponopono is to release this karmic data—it can be hard to do this without knowing some of the history behind modern ho’oponopono.

Practicing ho’oponopono cleans out your karmic data and increases the frequency of your vibration (which in turn affects your life cycles). It enables you to have a direct link to creative inspiration, rather than acting automatically on the basis of what you think, or are conditioned to do.

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