Stephen Bray
Advaita,  Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len,  Ho'oponopono,  Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

A Personal Journey: How Ho’oponopono Transformed My Practice

Hello dear explorers,

Recently, I received a review on my ho’oponopono book on Amazon that made me reflect on my own journey. The reviewer, Mary from Canada, mentioned that she wished I had talked more about how ho’oponopono worked in my own life. So, here it is—my heartfelt account of how ho’oponopono became a significant part of my journey.

Let me take you on an extraordinary journey, an adventure full of discovery and transformation. Imagine a path winding through the realms of the heart and mind, a path guided by a unique practice called ho’oponopono.

My old school.

Long ago, I was a young, misunderstood boy. School felt like an alien planet, and my own father’s position as the Education Welfare Officer only added to the confusion. It was a time when I yearned to be loved, to be seen for who I truly was, despite the challenges I faced. I found solace in thoughts of love and light, a glimmer of hope that illuminated the murkiness of those days.

Fast forward to my days at the Health and Welfare Department, a world full of hurt and suffering, yet full of opportunities for healing. A world where I stumbled upon the magic of ho’oponopono. A world where I realized that therapy isn’t just about healing others—it’s about healing ourselves too.

Despite exploring various disciplines like Gestalt Therapy, Family Therapy, Neuro-linguistic Programming, and Process Oriented Psychology, it was ho’oponopono that truly resonated with me. It revealed the truth of interconnectedness, of shared healing, and the power of love and forgiveness. It wasn’t just about me helping my clients; it was about us healing together.

Here are the key treasures ho’oponopono has to offer:

Recognizing Interconnectedness: Ho’oponopono isn’t just a word, it’s a philosophy that teaches us we are all woven together in a grand tapestry of life. Each action, each thought, sends ripples across this tapestry, influencing not just ourselves, but everyone around us.

Correcting the Error: Here’s the twist—ho’oponopono is about correcting an error, but not the kind you might think. The true error is in believing we are separate from one another, separate from the universe itself. Ho’oponopono shows us the way back to unity, back to understanding that we’re all part of one vast, interconnected whole.

Embracing Love and Forgiveness: Imagine holding a bouquet of flowers, each bloom representing love and forgiveness. Ho’oponopono invites us to embrace these flowers, to forgive, to love, and through that, to heal ourselves and our world.

The Power of Cleaning: Think of ho’oponopono as a broom that sweeps away the cobwebs in our mind, the negativity, the limiting beliefs that hold us back. It emphasizes the power of cleaning and the importance of doing so regularly.

Cultivating Patience and Persistence: Ho’oponopono isn’t a magic spell that makes everything better instantly. It’s a journey that requires patience, persistence, and a dash of courage. It’s about sticking with the practice, even when the going gets tough, knowing that you’re on a path to profound change.

Finding Inspiration and Guidance: Ho’oponopono opens the door to divine guidance, allowing us to listen to the quiet whisperings of our intuition and the gentle nudge of inspiration.

My journey through the vibrant landscapes of Turkey, my connection with spiritual teachers like Tony Parsons, and my profound experiences with ho’oponopono transformed me, leading me to a deeper understanding of myself and the world around me. It taught me about interconnectedness, about love and forgiveness, and about the power of patience and persistence.

So, I invite you to try on the shoes of ho’oponopono. Walk its path and see how it feels. Remember, it’s a journey of self-discovery, of healing and transformation. It’s an adventure that allows you to unlock new levels of self-awareness and kindness. This journey might challenge you, but it will also reward you in ways you can’t yet imagine.

Through ho’oponopono, you’ll discover the ability to create positive change, not just in your life but also in the lives of those around you. It’s a tool for deep, profound healing and growth—a priceless gift to yourself and the world.

As you embark on this journey, remember that patience and persistence are your best companions. Ho’oponopono is not a sprint, but a marathon—one that will take you across hills of self-discovery, valleys of forgiveness, and rivers of love. It’s a race where everyone wins, for in the end, you will discover that paradise truly is within us all.

As you go forward, remember, ho’oponopono is not about conquering the world, it’s about understanding it, nurturing it, healing it, and ultimately, loving it.

With love and gratitude,


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