Ho’oponopono And The Law Of Neutrality
The Law of Neutrality might easily be named The Law of Relativity. What we perceive depends upon from where we are in relation to it.
How To Change Your Karmic Data
Everything you tell yourself is a story (Even science). Yet you already know something that's immutable. This post talks about how to live from that place.
The Fifth Phrase of Ho’oponopono
Is there really a Fifth Phrase within ho'oponopono? Well yes there is because some people are using it, but might they have been misguided?
Is Ho’oponopono Magic?
This question comes up in various forms, and here I share my thoughts about it.
Is Ho’oponopono A Religion?
Many people who follow religious practices worry that practicing ho'oponopono may go against their faith. This article provides some guidance.
How many times should I repeat the Ho’oponopono prayer?
When beginning ho'oponopono, it's common to wonder if you're doing enough ho'oponopono. This article provides some guidance.
What Is Ho’oponopono (You Tube)
Hooponopono.FYI has just started posting on YouTube. Check out The Second Video here.
Why Does Ho’oponopono Work?
No one will tell you why ho'oponopono works. They may tell you how, and this story has many levels.
What Is The Ho’oponopono Prayer?
The ho'oponopono prayer is sometimes referred to as the Mantra. It consists of four phrases.
- Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, Dr. Joe Vitale, Ho'oponopono, Kamailelauli'I Rafaelovich, Mabel Katz, Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona
Ho’oponopono Origins
In recent times ho'oponopono has become popular, yet it has a longer and far deeper history than many imagine.