Fractal Art
Advaita,  Ho'oponopono

The Heartbeat of the Cosmos: A Journey through the Lenses of Ho’oponopono.

In the vast cathedral of celestial Divinity,
Where stars are but echoes of our identity,
We are but fractals of the cosmic entity,
Each heartbeat, a birth and demise in infinity.

See how our minds mimic silicon’s peculiarity,
A system’s crash not unsettling the galaxy,
Transitory parts in the eternal tapestry,
Reminding us of existence’s permanency.

In the quietude of introspection’s novelty,
Find the observer who witnesses serenely,
Stand up to the bully of your mind’s duplicity,
Power lies within, not in external severity.

Self-awareness, the compass in life’s odyssey,
A double-edged blade in hands of humanity,
A tether or a tool, mind’s multiplicity,
Be vigilant, explore its depths in tranquility.

By the hearth of ho’oponopono’s sanctity,
Reconcile with your inner-child in humility,
In recognition of undifferentiated unity,
Find liberation, dissolve karmic ambiguity.

Divinity, ineffable in its entirety,
Yet, dwells in each heart with silent certainty,

Seek not external guidance in audacity,
Within, you find your cosmic authenticity.

Upon the tranquil river of consciousness’s sanctity,
Embrace the motionless witness’s stability,
Use ho’oponopono’s gentle fluidity,
To wash away illusions with serendipity.

See the world as a dream of profound elasticity,
Mind the pitfalls of ego’s grandiosity,
On this journey to the heart of simplicity,
Each step closer to our divine veracity.

The ultimate cause, elusive, a singularity,
Yet reflected in consciousness’s luminosity,
Recognize this dream-like quality,
And awaken to your inherent sanctity.

In the heart’s silent depths of tranquility,
Love unshakeable, consciousness’s nobility,
A beacon shines in harmonious continuity,
A whisper of the nearing of Divinity.

Through ho’oponopono’s lens of gentility,
Find forgiveness, release from past’s captivity,
In reconciliation with cosmic divinity,
Embrace the child within, in love’s eternity.

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