Image of an artist 'soul-searching'
Advaita,  Ho'oponopono

Why Does Ho’oponopono Work?

Have you ever wondered why things always seem to work out for some people, yet not for others who may seem more deserving? Or, perhaps you ask why sometimes you seem in the flow, when at others you’re stuck in the doldrums?

Popular pundits on the Internet constantly batter us with information that we should be ‘doing more’, ‘being more grateful’, ‘buying their marketing materials’, or simply being ‘more loving’.

Yet, when we examine ourselves, we find we’re doing all of these and more, yet still nothing is working for us.

Naturally, we ask ourselves the question ‘Why’, yet no convincing answers seem forthcoming.

The same is true for the big questions about ho’oponopono.

‘Why does it work?’
‘Does it work?’
‘Will it work for me?’

Firstly, let’s ask a little about the ‘How?’

A ‘how question’ isn’t quite the same as a why question. Where a ‘why’ question can at best give you information, ‘how questions’ liberate you into a place where you’re free to experiment.

If you’re wondering if ho’oponopono could be right for you, then you would be well advised to experiment with it. Just give it a realistic trial period.

When Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len was at his ‘wits end’ because of the painful bleeding shingles his eight year old daughter had suffered  from birth, he took her to see Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, the founder of today’s contemporary ho’oponopono.

She performed a long ho’oponopono healing ceremony.

Although there were early signs of some improvement, the shingles weren’t completely gone before eight months had elapsed. 

From this we can be sure that ho’oponopono isn’t an instant miracle cure. On the other hand, when it works it works incredibly well.

Getting back to the ‘How it works’, the psycho-spiritual explanation is that when you consciously decide to ask your subconscious mind to forgive you for causing it to hold negative karmic-data, you let it know how sorry you are for imposing such a burden upon it, you seek its forgiveness, and tell it that you love it, then it prepares the way for a correction to be made within its programming. It also sends a message to you super-conscious (impersonal collective unconscious, yet where our ancestors dwell). The super-conscious, in turn is in direct contact with the Divine aspect of yourself (which is the sole part that can make the required correction).

If the conditions are right, Divinity communicates via the super-conscious, with you consciously and down into the subconscious.

The subconscious, in turn, deletes the negative emotions attached to the memory (and sometimes even the memory itself), replacing the void caused with Divine white light.

The scientific explanation would be that it’s all due to a placebo effect (which accounts for around 33% of all medical recoveries, yet no-one can tell you why it works).

Secondly, although many of the reported improvements are anecdotal (and so, have no scientific validity) there are simply too many of them to ignore.

The reports of miracles occurring due to ho’oponopono may be found throughout the Internet.

Thirdly, unfortunately ho’oponopono has become ‘factionalised’ with proponents of traditional customs and models feeling aggrieved that some ‘secrets’ are now public.

Others claim that solely native Polynesian Hawaiians can understand, practice, and perform a true ho’oponopono rite.

And even within the ranks of those trained, or following the teaching of modern ho’oponopono’s founder Morrnah Simeona, there is debate about current practices now differing from those she taught.

So, summing up. It seems that ho’oponopono works (yet opinions differ as to why). It may well work for you, if you give it a fair trial period (so there is a chance to see its effectiveness).

By the way, if you look into contemporary medical journals concerned with conventional medicine, or business studies, you’ll find controversy concerning the effectiveness of methods used.

What was considered the best ‘science’ fifty years ago (and believed at the time to work) is now outdated. No doubt, the same will be held to be true for today’s remedies.

Ho’oponopono, on the other hand, has proven to stand the tests of time, and may yet be accepted as a way forward.

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