A Native Hawaiian Using A Computer
Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len,  Ho'oponopono,  Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

Why Ho’oponopono Is A Serious Matter

When you look at the symbol presented by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len as the model for every being it must be clear that this is what it is. A model. It’s not the truth, or the only model, or even the most accurate of models. It simply provides you with a mental interface by which to communicate with the deeper aspects of yourself.

The Psyche
The Psyche (as described by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len)

It is, what systems theorists, call a linear description. Creative Divinity (or the White Light of Inspiration) may always be found at its top, and if you do your ho’oponopono practice well it will descend via the superconscious, into consciousness, and from there be recorded as white inspirational light in your subconscious (replacing unwanted Karmic Memory Data).

It’s a good enough model for most Westerners because it’s simple and easy to understand. Every culture has its own set of filters through which it looks onto the white light of Creative Divinity. These restrict the colours, the sounds, order the vocabulary, block many sense organs (such as taste and smell), make it easier (or more difficult) for us to move, decide how we should be behaving at different ages. They impact culture as well as how we will survive in this lifetime.

Special people (known as mystics in Western society) have an ability to view the world using a different set of parameters. Because their gaze is slightly wider than that of the average person, they are able to offer others some guidance. When they leave the planet, they’re gone and this gets felt by their followers who seek to codify their teachings. If ‘successful’ these become a series of rules (which are augmented by stories) and become a religion.

Many such beliefs are protected by powerful emotions. These assert that one religion (or set of beliefs) is true, whilst another is false. It’s one way of splitting experience in two. There are many others.

Donald Hoffman (image credit Aurélien, Pierre).
Professor Donald Hoffman (image credit Aurélien, Pierre).

Dr. Donald D. Hoffman (Professor of Cognitive Science at The University of California, Irvine) has a neat analogy describing this. He says that our experiences are like icons on a computer’s screen. The icon may look like a file (or some other kind of symbol representing a real-world object) yet it’s NOT the thing itself, nor is it how the computer stores data as a system of voltage fluctuations in its various hardware components. It’s simply an interface.

He claims that our experiences are similar. They are NOT reality. Our ‘desktop’ is simply space-time and our experiences the ‘icons’ which sit upon it. They may stand for reality, yet they’re simply a means to access it.

It follows that when you delete data from the hard drive on your computer the icon that points to it on your computer’s screen will no longer work. Most likely it will be deleted along with the unwanted program.

This is exactly what ho’oponopono seeks to do when you perform a rite which will lead you to a state of void. Eventually, you will be able to remove everything in your experience which gives rise to the feeling of problems. This is the mystic’s state, and may well be closer to the experience of the Polynesian Shaman-Elders who inhabited Hawaii all those years ago.

An Hawaiian symbol for a person as described by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona
The Hawaiian symbol for a person as described by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona (Dr. Hew Len’s teacher) used a different, and simpler symbol to represent the psyche. Her’s is less linear. It is a triangle within a rectangle. The triangle represents the various wavelengths that may be accessed. The longer ones are at the base and very short ones nearer the top.

The square is Creative Divinity itself. It permeates everything within the triangle. All things are made from it. Yet, it’s simply a word. It may represent timelessness and omnipresence, however, it’s something to ‘cling on to’, or ‘have faith in’, during times of trouble. It is as much created by our filtering as anything as mundane as a can of baked beans. It is a linguistic creation, something to be discussed, debated and which can generate both Data and Karma as it does so.

Outside of the square is infinity itself. It also permeates everything. It’s neither good, nor bad. It can do anything or nothing. It has its own power beyond anything we can imagine. Fortunately, from time to time it resets all of the rules forcing us to discover just a grain of it with every lifetime.

If you look carefully, you’ll see that the apex of the triangle is separated from infinity by the border provided by the square. The fact remains, however, that the border is something which appears on your computer’s screen. In reality, it’s not like that at all!

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