Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len,  Ho'oponopono,  Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

Beyond Story and Prayer: The Resounding Power of Ho’oponopono

In the cacophony of life, amid its ups and downs, there’s a powerful whisper that can bring peace – it’s called ho’oponopono. This ancient Hawaiian practice, revitalized by the teachings of Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, isn’t your everyday wellness fad. It’s a profound life-altering philosophy couched in simplicity. You see, ho’oponopono is based on a prayer, a prayer that isn’t your usual plea to divinity, but an intimate dialogue with your subconscious inner child. Now, you might be asking, “What does it mean to speak to your inner child?” Well, imagine a space beyond the concrete one, two, and many. A space that can’t quite be defined or described – that’s where you’re reaching.

But here’s the twist – unlike philosophers, scientists, or astronauts trying to describe the indescribable, you’re not trying to do that with ho’oponopono. Instead, you’re striving to cleanse, to let go, to clear the ‘karmic-data’ accumulated in your subconsciousness. And no, it’s not about discarding everything. Rather, it’s about engaging more deeply with life, experiencing its challenges in a way that sparks joy. And how do you do that? With a simple prayer – “Thank you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you.”

This prayer isn’t your regular checklist of dos and don’ts. It’s fluid, it’s flexible. It can be repeated as many times as you feel, at any point in the day. Dr. Hew Len even suggests training your subconscious to recite it automatically. Think of it as a soft background melody to your life’s journey.

But ho’oponopono doesn’t stop at the prayer. It offers a range of additional ‘cleaning tools’, from drinking blue solar water to using pencil erasers, even including some dietary and herbal remedies. Now, these might sound a bit unconventional, but remember, they are just tools to assist you on your path, with the real work happening within you.

Curious to know more? Explore this website, or delve into the book it supports. So, are you ready to immerse in the world of ho’oponopono and dance to the music of life?

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