A woman at peace
Cleaning Methods,  Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len,  Ho'oponopono,  Mabel Katz

The Power of CEEPORT®: Using Vortices to Clear Toxic Memories

Today we’re going to learn about the ho’oponopono discipline and the CEEPORT® cleaning tools that are used in it. Have you ever heard of the terms ‘Divinity’ and ‘Universe’? Have you ever thought about how they are connected to ho’oponopono? Let’s find out!

Ho’oponopono is a Hawaiian practice that helps you clean your subconscious mind of toxic memories. One of the tools used in ho’oponopono today is called CEEPORT®. CEEPORT® stands for Clean, Erase, Erase until you reach the PORT. It was created by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len. The PORT is the Zero State-the state of pure potential. It’s a vortex that consumes the data and the AKA cord attachment connecting you to it. Let’s learn more about how it works!

It’s widely used, appearing on stickers and wristbands.

A genuine CEEPORT® sticker
A CEEPORT® Sticker from SITH®

CEEPORT® cleaning tools can be attached to many different items such as light switches, computers, telephones, and even your car. They act as vortices that drain your subconscious memories. But, how does this work?

Scientists can’t give us a scientific explanation for the efficacy of CEEPORT®. But, we know that the letters aren’t random. Memory ties can be cleaned with CEEPORT® bookmarks and items can be swiped with them. Wallets and purses can hold CEEPORT® cards. Letters and faxes, for example, can be swiped with the card. CEEPORT® products can be activated by your good intention and the CEEPORT® shop. The act of creating these tools is what gives them their power.

CEEPORT® products can be used before traveling, attending meetings, consuming food or drinks, and many other situations. People even use them before interviews, like Mabel Katz, who used a CEEPORT® sticker under the desk of a tax inspector during an interview. This wasn’t an attempt to influence the audit with ho’oponopono ‘magic’. Mabel used the sticker as a means of cleaning her Karmic-Data that had brought her to be in contact with that particular client and tax inspector.

CEEPORT® is not just limited to stickers and cards. It can be attached to many things, such as computers, cell phones, furniture, building structures, and documents. CEEPORT® pendants can be worn around the neck or attached to a variety of items as needed.

CEEPORT® cleaning tools act upon the physical Universe because they remove Karmic Data related to specific problems that you may be experiencing. Divinity, is what is petitioned to make any desired changes.

One of the most important things to understand about CEEPORT® products is that they help you take 100% responsibility for what is going on in you that causes a difficult situation to arise in your 3D reality. With CEEPORT® products, you can continuously clean problems seven days a week and twenty-four hours each day.

CEEPORT® cleaning tools are an essential part of ho’oponopono discipline. The symbol represents peace throughout eternity. The possibilities for using CEEPORT® products are endless. The act of creating these tools gives them their power. Remember, you are only limited by your imagination when it comes to what you can do with CEEPORT® products. So, next time you feel overwhelmed, try using CEEPORT® and see what happens!

N.B. I do not sell CEEPORT® products, and have no affiliation with those doing so.

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