A girl's face with a rainbow prism projected upon it.
Ho'oponopono,  Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

Ho’oponopono: A Deep Dive into The Hawaiian Spiritual Revelation

“Life is interconnected. Just as the oceans touch every continent, ho’oponopono touches every aspect of our lives.”


1. Introduction to Divine Essence: Understanding the Soul’s Spark

Beneath our daily routines and fleeting ambitions lies a constant: a divine essence, untainted by life’s ever-shifting sands. Think of this as your core, your authentic self, the keeper of your innermost love, joy, peace, and wisdom. If you’ve ever felt a deep resonance with the mantra, ‘I’m sorry, I love you, please forgive me, thank you,’ that’s ho’oponopono beckoning.

2. The Awakening: Embracing the Inner Divinity Within

As we journey through life, clutter—be it fears, self-doubt, or external judgements—often veils our core. Awakening isn’t a one-time epiphany. It’s an ongoing process of aligning closer to our inner Divinity. Just as ho’oponopono urges cleaning upon every object, every experience in our life, we should continuously peel back the layers shrouding our true selves.

3. Beyond Intellect: The Beauty of Inclusion in Knowing

We’ve been conditioned to dissect, analyze, and categorize using our intellect. But, like a flower doesn’t reveal its essence when plucked apart, neither does life. Ho’oponopono steps in with an invitation for inclusion, emphasizing the power of experiential knowing. Remember to cook and bathe with blue solar water and use the Dew Drop and Eraser technique to foster this holistic understanding.

4. Reinvention and Aligning with All There Is: Becoming Your Best Self

Life sometimes nudges us to reinvent, to break free from old patterns. This is where ho’oponopono shines as a bridge, guiding us from feelings of discontent to a transformative, divine alignment. As you embrace the changes, remember Morrnah’s prayer, a beacon in ho’oponopono, illuminating your path to inner harmony.

5. Ho’oponopono and the Law of Attraction: Clearing Misconceptions

Many correlate ho’oponopono with the Law of Attraction. But, while both are potent, there’s a stark distinction. The Law of Attraction doesn’t target reducing karmic-data, while ho’oponopono’s core is to cleanse this. Think of it as decluttering your spiritual realm, ensuring the universe’s gifts flow unhindered.

6. Practice Makes Profound: Embracing Ho’oponopono Fully

Just as understanding alone doesn’t lead to mastery, knowing ho’oponopono is the start. Implement its cleaning tools, be it focusing on the core mantra or utilizing the Dew Drop technique. Integrate these practices daily, from how you greet the morning sun to your nighttime introspections.

“As you embrace ho’oponopono, remember, it’s not a static mantra but a living practice. Let it not just resonate in your words, but reverberate through your actions, decisions, and life.”

While ho’oponopono stems from Hawaiian tradition, its truths are universal. As you delve deeper, may your journey be filled with insight, clarity, and a profound connection to your divine essence.


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