Grave Stones
Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len,  Ho'oponopono,  Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

Ho’oponopono and the Eternal Echo: Cleansing Karmic Data Beyond Life

Greetings, seekers of wisdom and practitioners of Ho’oponopono. Today, we embark on a profound exploration of a spiritual practice deeply rooted in Hawaiian tradition, yet universally applicable in its essence. Ho’oponopono, a journey beyond mere incantations, invites us to engage with our innermost selves and to cleanse the karmic data clouding our connection to Divinity.

As beginners and seasoned practitioners alike delve into the world of Ho’oponopono, a common query arises, echoing the timeless contemplation of humanity’s relationship with life and death: “Can Ho’oponopono affect those who have passed on?” This question, seemingly simple, unravels the fabric of our perceived reality, challenging us to view our universe not as a vast expanse of physical entities but as a divine projection, distorted only by our karmic imprints.

Let us unravel this tapestry, thread by thread, beginning with the end – death. In Ho’oponopono, the concept of death is not an absolute cessation but a transition, a change in the state of being. You were never truly born, nor will you cease to be; your physical existence and the world you perceive are but illusions. The real journey is the continuous flow of karmic data, moving from one state to another, influenced by our actions, thoughts, and emotions.

Addressing the profound questions surrounding death from a Ho’oponopono perspective, we find that our deceased loved ones, like a candle’s flame mirrored but never harming the reflection, continue to exist within us and the collective superconscious. They are not lost; instead, they transition into different forms of existence, sometimes becoming earthbound spirits due to their intense attachment to earthly matters or unresolved issues.

Earthbound spirits walk among us, unseen yet ever-present. Renowned practitioners like Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len often encountered these spirits, aiding them in finding peace. In our dreams and meditations, we may encounter these spirits, not because they visit us, but because we venture into the shared superconscious realm, connected through unseen AKA cords.

Day of the Dead
The Day of the Dead

The celebration of the Day of the Dead, while commercialized in modern times, originates from a profound need to appease the spirits of our ancestors, ensuring their peace and, in turn, our own. By honoring and acknowledging our ancestors, we maintain our spiritual connection, ensuring the flow of positive energy and equanimity.

Ghosts, or earthbound spirits, are indeed a reality within the Ho’oponopono framework. They linger due to their attachment, often influencing the living in subtle ways. Dr. Hew Len’s experiences at the Hawaii State Hospital are testament to the presence and influence of these spirits in our daily lives.

By Hunefer - Own work Already on the Wikipedia Osiris, this one just for other uses., Public Domain,
Judgment of the Dead in Duat

The concepts of heaven and hell, as per Ho’oponopono, are not physical destinations but states of being, shaped by our karmic data. These realms are thought forms, existing within our subconscious, shaped by our beliefs, fears, and attachments. Cleansing our karmic data through Ho’oponopono practice transforms these states, bringing us back to a place of balance and peace.

Your deceased loved ones, like your mother, continue to live within you. They are present in your physical traits, your memories, and the emotional bonds that transcend physical existence. By cleansing your karmic data, you not only find peace within yourself but also extend this harmony to your departed loved ones, affecting their spiritual journey.

Ho’oponopono is not just a practice for the living. It’s a universal tool for healing, transcending the boundaries of life and death. As we cleanse our karmic data, we aid not only ourselves but also those who have departed from the physical realm. This spiritual journey is a testament to the interconnectedness of all beings, across dimensions and states of existence. Embrace Ho’oponopono, and embark on a transformative journey that reverberates through the echoes of eternity.

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