A lawyer in his office reading a contract.
Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len,  Ho'oponopono,  Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

Ho’oponopono And Weasel Words

If you attended any seminar given by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, or were lucky enough to be trained by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona you will know that both were very direct, and precise when they spoke.

We tend not to be so precise and as a result, slippage occurs between the ho’oponopono they left us and what purports to be ho’oponopono today.

You won’t find either Morrnah, or Dr. Hew Len using weasel words such as ‘maybe’, ‘sometimes’, ‘apparently’, ‘in some cases’, ‘disclaimer’, and all that other legalese which many writers, and orators, use to protect themselves.

They simply get on with telling things as they are.

This morning I visited a well-know ho’oponopono forum. People were asking for help dealing with others. Some they labelled with various mental conditions (yet I doubt that these folk had any medical, psychiatric, or psychology, qualifications. It just made what they were saying seem more credible.

Yet, both Morrnah and Dr. Ihaleakala were both clear that the problem is within each of us. Another person cannot cause us to act this way, or that, unless they are carrying some kind of weapon. Even then. We can clean upon the situation in which we find ourselves.

As someone said recently, even when we suffer pain it’s multiplied considerably by the memory (data) of previous times when we have suffered (Data). When we remove sacred objects (such as stones) from holy places as souvenirs we create Karmic Data that others must suffer.

When we take life for granted, we harm ourselves and others.

These actions may not be weasel words, yet they have a similar effect as if weasel words were spoken. Both view the physical body (and subconscious mind) from what is seen as a separate world. It’s assumed that there is a self and there are others in the same way as there is a subject and object in every sentence.

Whenever Morrnah could she simply advised people to clean on difficulties. When conducting the traditional ho’oponopono for which she had been trained she might gather others to define who exactly is involved, including nature spirits, and any disincarnate beings who might not have found a way to pass over because of their Karmic Attachments in this life. Once all of these entities were carefully gathered then she would use her special Full Ho’oponopono to dismiss any problems.

Weasel Words and Dualistic Behaviours are like tiny beings. They are thought forms which mask various assumptions about why they are being used, or were created.

In the Wurzel Gummadge stories by Barbara Euphan Todd  (which have since been adapted many times for Radio and Television) Wurzel is a not so bright, but magical scarecrow.

He has many adventures, and a number of heads that he can wear which provide him with different skills and identities. In one adventure, however, he creates his nemesis. This is another scarecrow whom he names Dafthead. Dafthead is an evil scarecrow who seeks to defeat his creator (Wurzel) and take his place.

Most of us are rather like Wurzel. We’re not very bright humanoids (at least in appearance) and we seek to make our lives easier by creating changes in our world (like Dafthead) who we think will make life easier. The problem is that (like Dafthead) this never works because the thought form behind the creation is usually not benign and in time brings us even more problems.

So let’s be direct. All we need do is clean on whatever enters the perception of our lives. We can clean on our mail, our computers, our phone, our garden, our means of transportation, and also others in our lives and especially those for whom we have an attachment.

That’s it. No theory, No dualism. And especially no Weasel-Words.

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