Woman in A Hospital Bed
Advaita,  Ho'oponopono

A Tale of Misunderstandings: The True Meaning of Ho’oponopono

Picture this: you’re practcing Ho’oponopono, and there’s a rumour spreading like wildfire that this ancient Hawaiian practice is a magical way to heal others, maybe even eliminate their pain. Tempting, isn’t it? But before we get carried away, let’s set the record straight.

Our main characters in this story are Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, pioneers of Ho’oponopono. They taught us that the core purpose of Ho’oponopono isn’t to mend others but to restore you to a state of Zero, of divine inspiration.

Remember the tale of Dr. Hew Len healing an entire ward of criminally insane patients at Hawaii State Hospital? Well, even if the ward’s conditions improved dramatically, Dr. Hew Len has always insisted his main goal was to cleanse his own reactions to what he saw in the patient’s case files.

Key Points:

  • Dr. Hew Len did not aim to heal the patients, but rather to heal himself.
  • His desire to see the ward improve was not for it to heal but for it not to bother him anymore.

This approach might seem counter-intuitive, but when you ‘clean’ on your own problems, you erase the data in the person you’re thinking about as well. Indeed, healing takes place, but it’s not the goal.

Now, what happens when someone dear to you is sick? Naturally, you want them to recover, but you also crave relief from witnessing their suffering. When traditional medical treatments fail, we tend to blame others, but the real struggle lies within our ability to cope with the situation.

The ancient proponents of Ho’oponopono knew this. They realized that the real issue is always with you, not the other person.

The Pets’ Parable: How Ho’oponopono Can Heal Animals

Consider your beloved pet, perhaps a fluffy dog or a gentle cat. Their suffering distresses us because it reminds us of our own vulnerability. Animals, just like humans, elicit emotions within us, and Ho’oponopono can clear these feelings.

Key Points:

  • Animals perceive the world differently than humans, making them unique in their ways.
  • When our pets suffer, we tend to project our own suffering onto them.
  • Using Ho’oponopono, we can clear these emotions.

The Healing Journey: Using Ho’oponopono to Heal Yourself

Now, what if you’re the one struggling with a health condition? The good news is, Ho’oponopono can ease the stress associated with your suffering. It provides a sense of ‘agency’, a feeling of control over your condition.

According to Ho’oponopono, ‘Karmic Data’ affects our physical conditions and our experiences. Erasing this data can free us from the Karma attached to it, influencing our reactions and possibly our recovery.

Key Points:

  • Ho’oponopono can help manage the stress associated with health conditions.
  • Erasing Karmic Data through Ho’oponopono may influence recovery and the perception of our experiences.

A fascinating facet of Ho’oponopono and Advaita is that they perceive us as observers of life, not actors. They suggest we dream each other into existence, influenced by our subconscious ‘inner children’ connected by AKA cords.

If you’re intrigued to learn more about these captivating concepts, feel free to explore the provided links.

Stay curious, dear readers, and remember that Ho’oponopono is a journey inward, not outward. Let’s turn the page and continue our exploration.

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    • Stephen

      Hi Nava,

      Good to hear from you, although saddened to learn that you suffer with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Unfortunately Dr. Hew Len died some years ago so we only have some recordings of his workshops and the testimonies of some of those who knew him. His thesis was that we are all ultimately destined to arrive at a state of Zero in which it’s no longer necessary to get incarnated on earth or remain locked within the 3D perception we know so well. On this site, you’ll find links to many resources that can move you toward this goal. As for R.A. the time it takes to lift this condition depends upon the data you carry within you, and the efficiency of your cleaning.

      I hope this helps.

      Best wishes,


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