Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len,  Dr. Joe Vitale,  Ho'oponopono,  Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

Miracles and Ho’oponopono: Exploring the Power Within

Once upon a time, there was a concept known as miracles. These were extraordinary events that seemed to defy all odds and bring about positive outcomes when least expected. People marveled at these occurrences, attributing them to luck or a stroke of fate. But what if I told you that miracles might not be as mysterious as they seem? What if I told you that you hold the power to create miracles within yourself? Let’s embark on a journey to uncover the fascinating world of miracles and the ancient Hawaiian practice of Ho’oponopono.

In stories from long ago, we hear of a remarkable man named Jesus Christ, who was said to have performed healing miracles. He could touch a person, and they would be miraculously healed. But what the stories often leave out is the build-up to these miracles. You see, the sick individuals either sought out Jesus or were brought to him by their loved ones. Their entire life’s journey led them to the moment when they encountered the healer. Who truly healed whom? When did the healing begin? Where did the miracle truly take place? These questions remain a beautiful mystery.

Now, there are people who claim to sell miracles. They promise you that if you buy what they’re selling, miracles will come your way. Some genuinely believe in what they’re selling, while others simply see an opportunity to profit from people’s desires. They may entice you with products that provide short-term satisfaction, like delicious sweets, luxurious yachts, or dream vacations. They appeal to your emotions and aim to satisfy them in the present moment. But are these truly miracles? Are they genuine manifestations of the extraordinary? That’s for you to decide.

But let me share with you two remarkable stories of healing associated with a practice called Ho’oponopono.

The first story takes us to Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, who witnessed the healing powers of Ho’oponopono firsthand. Dr. Hew Len’s daughter suffered from a painful skin disease called shingles for over a decade. Despite seeking various treatments, nothing seemed to help. Then one day, a series of events led Dr. Hew Len to meet Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, the founder of modern-day Ho’oponopono. Morrnah performed a healing ceremony using the longer Ho’oponopono process. Eight months later, Dr. Hew Len’s daughter was completely free from her skin condition. It was a miracle in their eyes.

The second story involves Dr. Hew Len’s work as a psychologist on a ward for the criminally insane. He never saw patients in the traditional sense. Instead, he would review their files while working on himself. As he focused on his own inner healing, he observed something remarkable happening – the patients began to heal. This account may be disputed by some, as psychological factors can indeed influence healing, especially in skin conditions. However, it leaves us with a profound question: Can witnessing suffering within ourselves or others constitute a miracle?

Now, let’s explore the concept of consciousness and its different states. There are four primary states of consciousness, each with its own characteristics:

Unconsciousness: This state occurs when we sleep or when a newborn baby is awake. We are unaware of our existence and lack a concept of self.

Semi-consciousness: This state occurs during dreaming or when a baby is a few weeks old. We have a vague awareness of our existence but still lack a full understanding.

Ordinary consciousness: This is the state most of us experience in our daily lives. We are aware of ourselves in relation to objects, beings, and things. We have a sense of identity, thoughts, emotions, desires, and actions that define us. In this state, we often believe that we are victims of our surroundings and circumstances, failing to recognize our true power.

“I AM” consciousness: This is the highest state of consciousness, where we realize that we are the creators of our reality. We take full responsibility for everything that comes into our awareness. In this state, duality fades away, and we understand that everything originates from within ourselves.

Living consciously in the “I AM” state requires a perceptual shift, and it is a state that few people fully grasp. However, even if we don’t consciously reside in this state, we are still creating our reality at all times. The extent to which we shield ourselves from this truth is influenced by the amount and quality of stored memories in our subconscious.

You see, our subconscious mind holds vast amounts of data, including what we know, what we don’t know yet know we don’t know, and even what we don’t know that we don’t know. It’s a fascinating labyrinth of information that shapes our perceptions and influences our experiences.

Pie Chart depicting how little we know.
We know very little, yet like to be in control.
So, dear reader, what can we learn from this exploration of miracles and Ho’oponopono?
  1. Miracles are not purely magical events but can be understood as unexpected positive outcomes that defy the odds. There are those who claim to sell miracles, but true miracles go beyond material possessions and instant gratification.
  2. Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice that has been associated with healing miracles.
  3. The power of Ho’oponopono lies in its ability to bring about healing and transformation through inner work and self-reflection.
  4. Consciousness exists in different states, ranging from unconsciousness to the awakened “I AM” state.
  5. We have the power to create our reality, but it requires taking responsibility for our thoughts, emotions, and actions.
  6. Our subconscious mind plays a significant role in shaping our perceptions and experiences.

Remember, miracles are not simply extraordinary events that happen to us; they are also the extraordinary power that resides within us. By practicing self-reflection, taking responsibility for our thoughts and actions, and embracing the wisdom of Ho’oponopono, we can unlock the miracles within ourselves and create a life filled with joy, healing, and transformation.

So, embrace the power within you, my young miracle-makers, and let your light shine bright. The world is waiting for the miracles only you can bring.

Is ho’oponopono the only way back to zero?

This is really the wrong question. For whatever reason, you’ve come here to this website. In your case, there must be a connection between you and ho’oponopono.

Someone who has never heard of the process may well get to the zero state through another process.

Once again, unless you meet them in some way, you’ll never know.

Perhaps you simply want to know if somehow you can perform miracles using ho’oponopono.

I doubt it, because in its pure form ho’oponopono aims to get you back to zero. When at a zero (or null) state, events happen simply because they happen. You act without thought and appreciate all that you witness.

If you wish to experience miracles, then sooner or later, your subconscious will create them for you. 

Bear in mind, however, that your subconscious resides within the realm of illusions, rather than a zero state where karmic-data has no influence.

For the rest of us, if you have been practicing ho’oponopono diligently yet experience no improvements in your experience of life, take a look at this article.

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