An image of a man about to perform dark-magic

Ho’oponopono: Illuminating the Path Beyond the Shadow

The topic of spirituality often evokes images of transcendent states, divine connections, and elevated consciousness. We envision a path brimming with positive experiences, guiding us towards a higher sense of self. But like any journey, the spiritual quest also harbours shadows, challenges, and potential risks. One such peril, seemingly at odds with the serene Hawaiian practice of Ho’oponopono, is the dark intrigue of black magic.

In ho’oponopono, we find a spiritual framework that embraces the world as an interplay of consciousness, subconsciousness, and superconsciousness. This article will examine these aspects in depth, while also drawing attention to the implications of black magic within this context. Our exploration aims to demystify, not sensationalize, and to subtly encourage the wisdom inherent in ho’oponopono, rather than dwelling on its dangers.

Understanding the Duality of Existence

To unravel the concept of black magic within ho’oponopono, we first need to grasp the idea of the alter ego and its mirror image. These terms speak to the dual nature of existence, where both positive and negative forces coexist. This duality is inherent in everything, from the grand cosmic order to our inner psyche.

Imagine a teacher restraining their brilliance to allow students to shine. This exemplifies the Ho’oponopono principle of creating space for individuality while preserving the integral unity. Masters of Ho’oponopono often employ non-dual language to explain complex concepts in a more relatable subject/object framework.

The Journey Towards Unity

The ultimate purpose of diversity in ho’oponopono is to recognize and reconnect with the integral unity of Divinity. This parallels the scientific quest for a unified field theory. Within the cosmic order, there’s an evolution from energy into matter, with the goal of creating diverse entities. However, acknowledging their interconnectedness is crucial.

As a part of this interconnected web, black magic or dark huna is understood as the manipulation of spiritual energies for selfish or destructive purposes. This might involve using black magic to acquire material goods or manipulate others. Such actions only add to one’s karmic debts and are discouraged in ho’oponopono unless an act of forgiveness can absolve the karma involved. Yet, even in ho’oponopono, absolution is not about others healing us; it’s about healing ourselves, which can be a lengthy process for those involved in black magic.

Unveiling the Hidden Energies

Our perceived reality is merely the visible tip of an enormous iceberg. Concealed beneath the surface are inner energies and potentials, the ignorance of which can lead to negative consequences. The shattering of the containers, a cosmic spiritual mechanism, occurs when the harmony between unity and diversity gets disrupted. This rupture is often attributed to black magic’s influence.

Carl Jung, the 20th Century psychiatrist, talked about the Shadow within us all. It houses our shame, traumas, and negative energies. Carlos Casteneda’s teacher Don Juan echoed this sentiment, indicating that societal conditioning and conformism effectively make us all ‘black magicians.’ In his view, breaking away from this societal mould is the path to freedom.

In ho’oponopono, the goal is to reconnect with the pre-concealment reality of unity and singularity, navigating through this darkness. It recognises that darkness feeds off fear and negativity. By bringing light into our lives, we can weaken its power and eliminate its influence.

Walking the Path of Life and Light

In ho’oponopono, the philosophy subtly promotes the path of life and light as a means to transcend both light and darkness. It reminds us to strive for positive impact, not just on our own lives, but also on the world at large.

Black magic and the dark side of spirituality are neither mystical nor sensational, according to ho’oponopono. They exist, and ignoring them or arrogantly disbelieving their impact could lead to misfortune. However, they don’t define our spiritual journey. By practising ho’oponopono, we are encouraged to focus on personal growth, embrace light and positivity, and recognize our interconnectedness with all. In doing so, we can alleviate our karmic burdens and navigate beyond the shadows on our spiritual path.

Ho’oponopono teaches us that while black magic can hold sway, it is not our predetermined path. It empowers us to choose light, choose life, and above all, choose love. This choice isn’t just for our personal benefit; it’s a choice that radiates positivity and progress for the world around us.


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