Someone concerned about worldly problems.
Advaita,  Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len,  Ho'oponopono

Ho’oponopono In Difficult Times

Most of us come to ho’oponopono because our lives are in turmoil. Some of us may regard ourselves as ‘healers’ and so simply see ho’oponopono as another technique that we may use to heal others. The point is though, no-one chooses a career as a healer when attending school. Instead they come to it through an encounter in their own life path that sets them on this course.

Ho’oponopono isn’t (and never has been) about healing others. Sometimes it appears as if this is the case, but really this is not so. Nor is it about entering into another realm of being, an altered sate, hypnosis, or anything like it.

For those of us practicing ho’oponopono, Divinity is within us, yet we cannot make contact with it directly because it’s obscured by the superconscious, and more often than not, by the subconscious.

Our intellect is far weaker than we imagine, even though most of us believe that we know it all. It’s estimated that it handles about 12 bits of information out of 12,0000,-15,0000 being processed by our subconscious at any one time.

The subconscious is serving up data to us for every moment we’re awake as well as during our dreaming life when asleep. Our conscious intellect must choose whether or not to act upon it. Sometimes this leads to procrastination (over-thinking problems). Yet when we can put aside the chatter of the data recorded in our subconscious, it’s possible to act out of inspiration, which is the clarity that can be brought down from Divinity.

When something bad occurs, the data in our subconscious loves to present itself to our conscious minds, producing what is known in psychology as ‘worry work’. Yet the bad things that happen are also caused by the same Data. Nothing has ever improved by worrying about it. The sole solution is to abandon any idea that the problems are out there and start to clean up all the Data.

Dr. Ihalyakala Hew Len used to say that the sole purpose of living here on earth is to clean away all of the Data so that we may live out of the inspired action of Divinity.

The question we must ask ourselves, he said, was: ‘What is happening within me that makes it necessary that I witness/experience this?’

That’s it.

Readers of this website have probably never guessed that I am personally going through many challenges. As a result, I have come to rely heavily upon ho’oponopono. The more I learn about it, the more attention I find I need to pay to my own thoughts and reactions. Without knowing of it, I suspect that I would not have been able to manage this far.

The key is to know yourself. Forget about the apparent world out there being reality. All that you see on this planet is composed of the five elements, earth, air, wood, metal, and water. These combine to make up what we imagine to be our worlds, and it is to them that we must eventually give our bodies.

Yet we are not these elements. We are far more This we know because we experience our so called inner-world of thoughts and feelings. The truth is, however, that there is no purely inner or outer world. Neither is the Data stored within our subconscious because it has already passed, and even when presented to us now as something to worry over, our worries are also composed of a recapitulation of past Data, as is the world which creates them.

Living the ho’oponopono way takes some adjusting to. As the founder of gestalt therapy, Fritz Perls once said, ‘To die and be reborn isn not easy’. This is especially true when most folk will tell you that the world you see, touch, taste and feel is reality. You believe that very little of it is alive, and the idea of talking to a chair or a building is delusional, and also those who practice ho’oponopono today are only in it to make money.

If you clean on these challenges, they will abate, and you will start making progress 🙂

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