When we act from memory we can create problems because our actions won't be ponopono
Advaita,  Ho'oponopono

Ho’oponopono: Intuition vs and Karmic Data

Ho’oponopono translates as to correct a mistake. It means to put right, yet it isn’t simply putting matters right in any old fashion. It’s putting them right in the correct ‘light’. Pono may be thought of as meaning a way, or a vision and when it’s doubled (as ponopono) it means to be correct in the ultimate way, or in the vision of the Almighty.

In ho’oponopono, for convenience we refer to the Almighty as Divinity, but it doesn’t really matter what name you give to it because the Almighty has and will always be there and although known by many different names truly is none of them.

As the sage Lao Tsu wrote at the beginning of the Tao Te Ching, ‘The Way that can be described is not the original way’.

Living out of the inspirations provided by the Almighty is the Way of ho’oponopono, yet most in our world are blinded by the mess and entanglements cause by being immersed in the Data stored within their subconscious (or inner child).

There is nothing ‘wrong’ with the Inner Child. It has a function which is to record what we have done. For example, were you unable to remember where you left your car keys with each passing moment, driving would be an impossible task. Most of us have been embarrassed because we could not remember the name of someone we met five years previously, and this too is our inner child forgetting the name and then forgetting that they had forgotten.

Moreover, your inner child (or subconscious) is maintaining a number of bodily functions automatically. These include replacing your body’s cells as they expire, growing your hair and toenails, usually attending to your breathing, as well organising a fight against any diseases you may get exposed to.

It has one fatal flaw, however. This is that being programmed to remember everything means that it records everything you’ve ever done both in this lifetime and others.

This isn’t quite the same as remembering what your ancestors may have been, or done, in the past. This function exists within your superconscious which is another vibration in which your ancestors remain present and alive in spirit. Nevertheless, your subconscious has been programmed from birth to remember what they looked like, how the spoke and felt about things. The modern science of epigenetic also points toward this.

Now this is very important (even though it leads to frequent confusion). Your subconscious records the Inspirations you have acted upon and have inevitably worked for you at one time (because they are ponopono), and so there’s a great temptation to use them again and again because they worked once in your past.

An example of being inspired by intuition.

To provide an example, let’s say you hear that a cherished relative has been injured in an accident and wants to see you, but there are no flights to their location. You wonder what you should do when Inspiration tells you ‘Go to the airport, your ticket will be waiting’. On acting at once you arrive at the airport and explain exactly to a representative of the airline what has happened. She smiles at you and says ‘You’re right. We’ve just had a cancellation and it’s yours if you want it. Moreover, it’s a first class seat but I can give it to you for the price of coach because we’re so near to flight time.’

So far, so good. You’ve clearly followed Inspiration by acting upon it. You get to fly, see your aunt, and all is well.

An example of action from data stored in your memory.

A year later something similar happens. This time perhaps it’s an even closer relative. Immediately you think you know what to do. You speed to the airport. Visit the desk, but there are no tickets!

All the time Divinity has been attempting to get through to you to take the train, but you haven’t been open to this Inspiration because the Data stored within your subconscious has been blocking Inspiration and so getting in the way.

If only you had continued to practice ho’oponopono, this needn’t have happened. You would have acted to clear the troublesome emotions behind the news of your friend’s illness and so Inspiration would once again have instructed you about what to do.

This is how doing the correct thing one day can lead to problems the next. It’s also how we can put success down to a ‘fluke’ or chance.

Karmic-Data is very subtle and very powerful. Thankfully, so is ho’oponopono, even in its modern form.

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