A native Hawaiian Kahuna under the night sky.
Advaita,  Ho'oponopono

Ho’oponopono: Journeying Beyond the Illusory Self

The worlds we perceive, the lives we lead – are they but ripples on the vast pond of Divinity? Welcome to Ho’oponopono, a Hawaiian spiritual practice, which might just transform the way you view the universe and your place in it.

Ho’oponopono and its Core Principles

The term Ho’oponopono translates to “to correct an error,” anchoring its ethos in the belief that a deviation from our true self is the root of all troubles. For native Hawaiians, losing touch with one’s inner essence was considered the demise of their society. Dive deeper, and you’ll find that its fundamental proposition is a profound one: everything in the Universe is crafted from a singular substance, suggesting a universe undivided by dualities. Language, in its inherent dualistic nature, often struggles to encapsulate this. As Bishop George Berkeley observed, “To be is to be perceived.”

The Nature of Self and Spirituality

At the heart of every spiritual quest lies a singular goal – self-realization. Strip away the layers of societal conditioning, and you’ll realize that you aren’t just your thoughts, your body, or even your actions. To comprehend spirituality is to truly understand the core of your being.

The Illusory Nature of Concepts

In our journey towards self-discovery, it’s crucial to discern between the signposts and the destination. While thoughts, beliefs, and states of mind guide us, they aren’t who we truly are. Think of Alfred Korzybski’s wisdom: the map is not the territory. The British coastline paradox further underscores this – the coastline’s perceived length changes depending on the measure used, much like our understanding of self shifts based on our perspective.

Individual Paths and Unique Realizations

Each person’s spiritual journey is as unique as their fingerprint. While guidance is invaluable, it’s vital to realize that there’s no one-size-fits-all template. Following your path, even imperfectly, is infinitely more enriching than walking another’s trail flawlessly.

Unlocking Personal Paths with Guidance

The right mentor doesn’t create disciples but helps each seeker discover their bespoke spiritual roadmap. The crux isn’t in following the teacher, but in realizing one’s true essence.

The Importance of Consciousness

Dive deep into consciousness, and you’ll find it’s not just a portal, but the very fabric of absolute truth. Detaching from the whirlpool of thoughts and emotions lets us access a state beyond states – a pristine “no-state state” that is the cornerstone of self-realization.

The Role of Perception and Consciousness

Drawing from neuroscience, we’re led to ask: would the world exist if bereft of a perceiver? Our understanding of the “I” is an afterthought – a post-event construct. What we perceive as the world is but a projection, an abstraction orchestrated by our brain and nervous system.

Science as a Tool for Deconstruction

Science doesn’t just provide answers; it also unravels mysteries. The very ideas of cause and effect, so deeply ingrained in our psyche, are mere constructs shaped by language and thought.

The Process of Inquiry

Modern psychology, with its societal-oriented approach, has veered away from profound self-inquiry. Perhaps it’s time to return to these roots, centering on consciousness and challenging the very nature of our existence.

Understanding the Illusory Nature of Concepts

The true self, Ho’oponopono posits, predates all notions, labels, and beliefs. Every concept is but a mental abstraction, a mere shadow of the absolute truth.

The Transformative Power of Understanding

Embracing these teachings initiates a potent deconstruction of deeply held beliefs. Focusing on the raw consciousness, the sheer sense of “I Am”, can galvanize the journey to self-realization.

Final Emphasis on Consciousness

Ho’oponopono beckons us to prioritize consciousness. By redirecting attention inward, one can access a wellspring of truths, unclouded by external doctrines.

The principles of Ho’oponopono guide you away from dualities and towards a realm of oneness and non-duality. Through understanding and practice, this ancient Hawaiian wisdom offers a compass for those ready to traverse the enigmatic terrains of self and consciousness. Dive in, and the universe might just unveil its secrets.

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