A man looking at a mountain from a cave.

Ho’oponopono Promises 100% Inner Peace and Happiness

“Forget those negative thoughts and emotions running wild in your mind. Ho’oponopono offers a new and expanding industry of inner growth and healing, protected by the guarantees of self-discovery and self-awareness.”

Are you tired of feeling stuck in negative patterns of thought and behavior? Are you ready to take control of your life and achieve inner peace and happiness? Look no further than Ho’oponopono, the ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness.

The modernized version of Ho’oponopono, known as Self Identity Through Ho’oponopono (SITH), was developed by the renowned Hawaiian Kahuna Lapa’au, Morrnah Nalamku Simeona in the 1980s. SITH is a powerful tool for personal growth and healing that can help individuals release negative memories, emotions, and limiting beliefs. It can also help to improve relationships with oneself, others, and the apparent world around us.

The practice of SITH emphasizes the concept of “self-identity” through the use of specific affirmations and mantras to help individuals take full responsibility for their thoughts, actions, and emotions.

The method was further developed by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, a student of Morrnah Simeona, who used it to help heal individuals with severe mental and emotional problems.

Dr. Hew Len’s work with SITH has been known for its effectiveness in treating criminal offenders, psychotics, and other difficult cases with exceptional results.

Just like the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico once offered overwhelming incentives to attract new industries, SITH is offering individuals an opportunity for personal growth and healing. The practice is completely tax-free and can be applied in the comfort of one’s own home, with no therapist or coach required.

The Commonwealth of Self-Discovery will leave no stone unturned to help you get started with SITH. It will help you secure resources and information, screen job applicants for you, and train them to operate your inner guidance.

What About Inner Labour?

SITH’s reservoir of self-discovery has developed remarkable levels of productivity and efficiency.

SITH is already producing delicate inner-equipment for many individuals.

Among the individuals already practicing SITH are people from all walks of life, who have discovered the benefits of inner peace and healing.

Ho’oponopono is just a mental journey away. With regular practice, individuals can achieve a state of inner peace and happiness.

The climate of the mind and heart is probably as close to paradise as one will ever see. Ho’oponopono practitioners find that they are able to release negative thoughts, emotions, and limiting beliefs, and experience a sense of inner peace and calm.

Are You Eligible?

Ho’oponopono is open to anyone who is willing to take responsibility for their thoughts, actions, and emotions and make a commitment to personal growth and healing.

It is suitable for individuals from all backgrounds, ages, and walks of life.

To get all the facts, and to find out whether you and your mind would be eligible for complete inner growth and healing, read more here  contact me for more information.

Don’t wait any longer to take control of your life and achieve inner peace and happiness. Start your journey with Ho’oponopono today.

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