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Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len,  Ho'oponopono,  Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

Ho’oponopono: The Art of Peace through Forgiveness and Reconciliation

Ho’oponopono is a deeply rooted Hawaiian practice for healing and reconciliation, imbued with a profound understanding of the human psyche and its capacity for transformation. This spiritual approach was greatly enriched by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, making it more accessible and versatile to a wide array of seekers and practitioners around the world.

Perhaps one of the most recognized elements of Ho’oponopono is Dr. Hew Len’s prayer, a four-phrase mantra that has become a cornerstone of this healing practice: “I am sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you.” This mantra, much like the parent gently explaining to their toddler the difference between an act of love and a mistake, is directed at our subconscious ‘inner child.’

The inner child, deeply interconnected with our consciousness and superconsciousness, is our lifelong companion, a reservoir of experiences and emotions that continue to shape our reality. This metaphorical child, while endowed with a tremendous capacity to love and learn, lacks the full range of intellectual discrimination, only fully recognizing the positive aspects of our commands and interactions.

In Ho’oponopono, engaging with the subconscious, the realm of this ‘inner child’, rather than directly addressing the Divinity within, holds immense significance. This inner child acts as a mediator, translating our intentions, emotions, and experiences into a language that the Divine understands. By respectfully and consistently addressing this mediator, we can trigger transformative changes within us and in our realities.

The story of Dr. Hew Len’s work at the Hawaii State Hospital stands as a testament to the transformative power of Ho’oponopono. While some controversy surrounds the exact method used by Dr. Hew Len, there is no denying that his practice was grounded in the principles of Ho’oponopono as taught by Morrnah.

From a challenging initial journey into Ho’oponopono, borne out of a desperate desire to alleviate his daughter’s suffering, Dr. Hew Len’s journey mirrored that of many of us: a struggle, followed by a gradual realization of the power of forgiveness and reconciliation, and finally, a deep commitment to this life-changing practice.

Both Morrnah and Dr. Hew Len exhibited psychic abilities that heightened their sensitivity to the nuances of Ho’oponopono. This sensitivity extended to non-human entities and places, recognizing that healing and reconciliation are not confined solely to individuals but to all forms of existence.

A crucial understanding that emerges from both Morrnah and Dr. Hew Len’s practice of Ho’oponopono is that no singular approach or tool, including Dr. Hew Len’s four-phrase prayer, encapsulates the entirety of this healing practice. The diversity of cleaning methods, from the unique Ho’oponopono model of the psyche to blue solarized water, the eraser technique, and other cleaning tools, highlight the multifaceted nature of this practice.

The Ho’oponopono practice, as shaped by Morrnah and Dr. Hew Len, is not confined by dogmatic rigidity. Instead, it continues to evolve, reflecting the ever-changing nature of human consciousness. The mantra, “I AM THE I”, epitomizes this evolution, suggesting that all aspects of our existence – roles, relationships, possessions – are transient, while the Divinity within us is enduring.

This understanding, far from promoting a nihilistic worldview, offers a radical solution to our problems. Ho’oponopono encourages us to transcend the perceived differences and disputes, acknowledging that these are mere reflections of the ‘data’ stored within our subconscious ‘inner child.’ By cleansing this ‘data,’ we can heal our wounds and foster a harmonious relationship with ourselves, others, and the world around us.

In essence, Ho’oponopono is not just a healing practice but a way of life. Its strength lies not in its difference from other spiritual ideologies, but in its ability to harmonize these differences, promoting a world where love, forgiveness, and reconciliation form the basis of all interactions. Embracing Ho’oponopono can initiate a transformative journey, propelling us towards a reality resonating with peace, harmony, and limitless potential.

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